Aloe vera (barbadensis miller) is one species of the genus Aloe. The genus Aloe contains about four hundred species of flowering, succulent plants. Despite looking like a cactus, the Aloe vera is in fact a member of the Lily family (Liliaceae), which includes garlic. The name Aloe was derived from the Arabic alloeh meaning "bitter" because of the bitter gel in the leaves.
Aloe vera is native to Africa and has been used by used by many different cultures including Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians and Spaniards for millennia. In 1500 B.C. Egyptians recorded use of the plant for treating burns, infections and parasites. The earliest record of Aloe vera is on a Sumerian tablet dating from 2100 BC.
Aloe vera extract, juice and gel.
Aloe vera extract is made by pulverizing the whole leaves of the plant, the juice is made from the inner leaf. Gel is the leaf pulp, a clear jelly-like material from the tissue that makes up the inner portion of the leaves.
Aloe vera is one of the most vitamin and mineral packed nutrition drinks around. Aloe vera contains about 96% water, 18 amino acids, vitamins including vitamin B-1, vitamin B-2, vitamin C, niacinamide, vitamin B-6, choline, essential oil, calcium, chlorine, sodium, potassium, manganese, monosaccharides and polysaccharides including uronic acid, mannose and glucose. Aloe vera also contains aloin (barbaloin), ethereal oil, isobarbaloin, emoding lucosides of d-Arabinose, emodin, resitannol, ester of cinnamic acid and cinnamic acid.
Acemannan has antiviral and antitumoral activities through activation of immune responses.
Aloin (barbaloin) is an unwanted, harsh, irritant, bitter tasting, laxative contained in the yellow sap of Aloe, which is removed during processing. Aloin has strong laxative properties.
Cinnamic acid has the formula C6H5CHCHCOOH and is an odorless white crystalline acid. It has a floral aroma, is found in the essential oil of cinnamon and in shea butter. Cinnamic acid is used in flavours, synthetic indigo, pharmaceuticals, and to manufacture esters for the perfume industry.
Emodin is an orange crystalline compound, C14H4O2(OH)3CH3, obtained from rhubarb and other plants and used as a laxative. Emodin belongs to a family of compounds called anthraquinones, which have shown anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects.
Mannose is a monosaccharide, C6H12O6. The word mannose is from Manna, the food the Israelites ate in the desert in the book of Exodus. D-mannose, this form is used as a remedy for urinary tract infections.
Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates, glucose C6(H2O)6 is a monosaccharide.
The Health Benefits.
Aloe vera is a rather amazing plant. My great aunt did not know about acemannan but she did know about Aloe's ability to heal. She always said, "If it burns, stings, itches, hurts, or you want it to look like a baby's skin put the magic jelly on it". She called it, "the magic jelly" because fresh Aloe vera gel heals burns like magic.
The gel has been used topically for thousands of years throughout the world to treat wounds, skin infections, burns, and numerous other dermatologic conditions. There are very few places where it has not been used.
The Benefits to Skin.
Aloe vera is well known as the supreme skin care regimen. It can aid in keeping the skin supple, and is used in the control of acne and eczema. It has a moisturizing effect and is a common remedy for sunburn and skin irritation due to insect bites and allergies. Aloe's healing power comes from increasing the availability of oxygen and strengthen the skin. My advice is to pamper your skin with a little fresh gel everyday. Keep a few plants healthy and you will always have a steady supply. Cut a leaf in half and smooth it on your skin.
Intestinal Health.
Many traditional liquid health treatments are made from a base of Aloe vera juice with other herbs included. Drinking the juice and gel is widely endorsed by herbalist for soothing digestive tract irritations and general gastrointestinal health. It is also used to alkalize the digestive juices to prevent over acidity. It is said to cleanse the digestive tract and exerte a soothing, balancing effect.
The dried latex from the inner lining of the leaf can be taken orally as a laxative. Careful with this one, I tried it, it works. Drink lots of water and do not go far from the house.
Gastrointestinal issues can be serious, not something you want to mess around with. Check with your doctor before you do anything. It is important to get a diagnoses.
Suggestions for Use.
When you are stressed and need a herb bath put a leaf in the freezer for 30 minutes to get it cold. When taking a hot herb steam bath cut it in half and rub it on your face to cool you down. It soothes the skin on contact. Add the juice or jell to orange or grape juice, an organic banana and a little ice and blend in a blender. This is a good drink to cool you down and sooth the plumming. If your stress is casing you digestive trouble add a spoon of Slippery Elm to the blend. If you have intestinal pain or menstrual troubles make a Yarrow tea and add this to the mixture.
To make a salve, remove the thin outer skin and blind the leaves in a blender, add 500 units of vitamin C powder to each cup add a tablespoon of honey to help preserve. It is best to use fresh but you can store it in your refrigerator for a couple weeks. This salve is great for skin. For stess, after the salve has been in the refrigerator and having cooled use it on your face during a hot bath or if you do not feel like a hot bath but want to cool down rub it on your feet. Even better get someone you love to rub it on your feet.
Growing Aloe Vera
Light - Most Aloe species make excellent house plants when they are given enough light. If they are grown outdoors in warm climates, they should be planted in full sun, or light shade. Potted Aloes benefit from spending the summer outdoors. Because Aloe plants consist of mostly water, they are extremely sensitive to frost.
Soil - The soil should be sandy, moderately fertile, and drain well. Aloes have roots that are shallow and spread so when it is time to repot them pick a wide pot, they are better than deep ones. Fertilize yearly, in the spring with a half strength, bloom type fertilizer (10-40-10). Do not over fertilize. New plants may also be grown from seed or propagated from the offsets around the base of mature plants.
Water - Established plants will survive a drought quite well. During the winter months, the plant will become somewhat dormant, and utilize very little moisture. During this period watering should be minimal. During the summer months, the soil should be completely soaked, but then be allowed to dry again before giving the plant a cup or two of water.
Nothing in this essay is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Aloe vera has not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration for the treatment of any disease.
Aloe Vera healing power
Cure Arthritis with Herbal Remedies
Herbal Remedies have been the treatment of choice for arthritis for centuries. Below are listed some of the most effective herbs and supplements for arthritis.
Alfalfa can be sprouted and eaten with a salad, or used either powdered or drunk as a tea. It's easily prepared by placing one ounce of alfalfa in a pot, adding one quart of water and boiling for thirty minutes and should be strained and drunk over a day. The treatment needs to be continued for at least three weeks and then a break for seven to ten days is taken before resuming treatment again for best results.
Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh is an American Indian treatment for arthritis. There are five species being used globally. The constituents are anti-inflammatory, antispasmodics and aspirin like substances which makes it an excellent herbal remedy for arthritis.
This can be prepared by simmering one teaspoon of black cohosh root in one cup of boiling water for duration of twenty minutes. The tea is then strained and taken in two divided doses during the day. The regime is continued for duration of three weeks before taking a break of ten days in between.
Boswellia has been known for centuries as a natural anti-inflammatory. It has been proven that boswellic acids contained within the herb can block the formation of leukotrienes, the immune cells responsible for inflammation, while also promoting the formation of free radicals. With regular use, blood supply to the joints is also maintained, keeping soft tissue nourished and viable.
Celery as a natural remedy for arthritis has proved very effective The different parts of the celery plant contain well over twenty-five anti-inflammatory constituents. A cup of celery contains well over three hundred and forty milligrams of potassium, which makes it particularly effective considering that Potassium deficiency leads to aggravation of symptoms of arthritis.
The preparation is easy with one teaspoon of celery seeds being placed in a cup and filled with boiling water. Allow to stand for fifteen minutes. Then strain and drink three times a day during an acute arthritic attack for best results. Alternatively it can be eaten fresh.
Devils Claw (Harpagophytum Procumbens) is found only in Africa, Devil's Claw has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is used globally for osteo-arthritis, fibrositis, rheumatism, small joint disease and lower backache. Because of its strong anti-inflammatory properties, Devil's Claw is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers or heart conditions, unless medically supervised.
Dong Quai (Dang Gui)
Also called Angelica, this herb has been used in Europe for centuries as a herbal remedy for arthritis. The western variety is known to have twelve anti inflammatory constituents (which decrease the symptoms of pain and swelling of the joints), ten antispasmodics (muscle relaxants) and five anodyne constituents (pain relievers)
This is best taken by placing one tablespoon of the roots of any of the species in a pot and adding of one pint of water which is then brought to the boil and then covered and boiled for two minutes. The pot is removed from the flame and left to stand till it reaches room temperature and then strained and drunk.
Do this two or three times a day for a duration of three weeks. This is followed by a break of ten days before the treatment can be resumed again.
As with all herbal remedies for arthritis, not all these remedies will be instant. They may take a few weeks to build up in the body. But persistence will bring relief.
Health Benefits Of Celery Juice
There are various health benefits derived from celery and its juice. The medical virtues of celery were first described by the Greeks Discorides and Pliny. In the early middle ages celery juice was very beneficial for curing ailments such as stones, constipation, menstrual problems and for health disorders of the liver and gall bladder.
The green leaves and stem and the bulbous root of celery are all extremely rich in active ingredients that make celery a very important medicinal plant and very beneficial to health. There is a well balanced content of the basic minerals, vitamins and nutrients, but in addition there are important concentrations of plant hormones and the essential oils that give celery its strong and characteristic smell. These oils have a specific effect on the regulation of the nervous system, and have a great calming influence. It is the presence of the essential oils which makes celery special. These are also found in the seeds and, if available, they too can be added to the juice.
Celery is used for its strong stimulating and beneficial effect on a weak sexual system, but as is usual with plant therapies the normally active person does not have to fear an uncontrollable upsurge. Plant therapy tends to make the system normal. Like beet there is also a general health tonic effect.
The strong diuretic (water removing) powers of celery enable it to be used in the control of health problems such as arthritis and rheumatism. Sufferers cannot have too much and may consume the vegetable cooked or raw, or in juice form which is the most health effective treatment of all.
A tablespoonful of honey in celery juice, sipped slowly, will very effectively reduce the appetite if taken before a meal, and makes a delightful drink. You can take the same mixture as a nightcap when it will help you to relax into a soothing and restful sleep.
Those who take the juice who have in the past suffered from a tendency towards stones in the gall bladder or the kidneys usually find that these painful deposits do not form again. It seems likely that this effect is related to the anti-arthritic properties of the juice.
Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes
Eyes that are bright and sparkling attract attention. Puffy or red eyes are lack luster and make you look tired and ill. Puffy eyes are one of the most common beauty problems. Puffiness is often caused by the accumulation of fluids around the eye. Besides sleeping on your face, crying or lack of sleep, if you're menstruating or pregnant, retaining food, eating salty food or drinking water less than two hours before bed, you're likely to wake up with puffy eyes.
Rubbing aggravates irritation and tends to make your eyes puffier. For immediate relief, do not rub your eyes when you see them puffy.
Nature's best ingredients for removing puffy eyes are cucumber and potato. Take a small raw potato or cucumber, slice it into small pieces and blend to a fine consistency. Strain the excess juice and reserve the pulp. Make a cup of basil tea and mix it well with the pulp. Pour the mixture into ice tray and freeze it. Whenever you have puffy or red eyes, dab the ice cube on your closed eyes for some time. Rinse your eyelids gently and pat dry.
Use your middle finger and gently press along the eyebrow and around the eye socket. This will stimulate the lymphatic system and help drain excess fluid. The swelling will reduce.
Take a rounded metal spoon and place it in your fridge for few minutes. When it gets cold, take it out and hold the rounded portion against your eye for few minutes. This helps in reducing the puffiness.
To make your red or sore eyes look healthy and sparkling, mix 2 tbsp water to a glass of mineral water. Bathe your eyes in this solution 3-4 times a day.
Apply a cold compress on your eyes such as cloth dipped in cold water or ice cubes in a wash cloth. When the cloth feels warm, dip it in cold water again or add more ice. Repeat this at least 4-5 times or till you feel the puffs under your eyes drained out.
Applying cold tea bag wrapped in tissue on closed eyes makes the skin taut and reduces puffiness. The natural astringent in tea - tannin works wonders.
Strips of grated potato or cucumber placed under the eyes helps to reduce the swelling.
Soak cotton wool pad either in iced water or ice cold milk. Lie down with dampened pads over your closed eyes. Replace the pads when warm. Continue to till puffiness reduces. This also brightens the whites of your eyes.
By drinking enough water, your body will stay hydrated and will reduce the puffiness around your eyes.
Make sure you get enough sleep with regular timings. Inadequate sleep shows on the eyes more than on any other part of the body. Sleep soothes the eyes and relieves fatigue.
Dip cotton wool pads in ice-cold rose water. Use them as eye pads over closed eyes.
Stiffly beat few egg whites. Add a drop or two of witch hazel. Apply to the face and under the eyes with a brush. This will make the skin feel tighter and look less puffy.
If you keep your head in an elevated position while you sleep, it discourages fluids from settling around your eyes.
Avoid eating salty foods like chips, pickles, drinking alcohol that retains fluids that settles in the eye area.
The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader, not the site, and the writer.
Article Source: ABC Article Directory
The Healing Touch of Body Massage
Most of us experience this feeling of just giving up our fatigued bodies to a masseur who will massage away all the aches and pains caused by physical stress and mental tensions. The pain just seems to vanish out of your system once it is their expert hands. If you keep dreaming about this on your low days, well you are probably not alone for massage is a known stress reliever. Massage at its best has the power to restore the individual physically, mentally and spiritually.
What is a full body massage? How to massage?
Technically, full body massage is a hands-on manipulation of the skin, muscle and joints to relax muscle spasm, relieve tension, improve circulation and hasten elimination of toxins and wastes from the body. Massage is an ancient art. It has been known to be in practice in the Orient for over 3000 years. The expert hand of the masseur not only rubs away fatigue inducing stress but also improves blood circulation in the body. Apart from creating a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissue (the muscles, tendons and ligaments) to improve muscle tone. Although it mainly affects the muscles just underneath the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the internal organs.
Massage Therapy: Alternative medicine?
An essential part of alternative medicine, massage has gained popularity in the West too and is widely used to treat a variety of ailments. Different forms of massage include - Acupressure, Athletic Massage, Polarity Massage, Reflexology, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Sports Massage, Swedish Massage, Traeger Massage and Watsu. Aromatherapy massage makes use of aromatic essential oils known for their stress relieving effects. Manipulation of soft tissues affects many of our bodily systems; hence massage therapy stands to help many of the health problems we face today.
General Benefits of Massage
• Soothing relaxation • Healing • Eases tension, stiffness and pain • Improves breathing • Improves circulation • Enhances well-being
The therapeutic benefits of massage
• Massage aims to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function. • Boost immune system function, improve circulation and speed up recovery time. • Relax tight and tense muscles • Ease or prevent physical dysfunction and pain. • Reduces overall stress and fatigue • Massage therapy is effective in the control of pain - chronic or acute, stress reduction and in creating a sense of soothing relaxation and well-being. • Massage can be fun and can be wonderfully sensual; it can be an effective tool to revive a sagging sex life. Erotic Thai massages or even simple massages are a great way to begin a night of intimacy.
Full Body Massage helps you relax!
Although even a one odd massage does leave you with a pleasant feeling, the effects of massage are cumulative and undergoing a series or course of massage treatments, is what will give you the maximum benefits. Regular massages strengthen and tones the muscles and boosts the entire body mechanism, so as to prevent unnecessary strains and injuries. Massage has the power to stimulate the nervous system as much as it can relax, hence it can be used, depending on the individual's need.
Article Source: ABC Article Directory
Natural headache cures
Headaches can be annoying and a severe headache may even stop you from being able to function properly. Headaches are common and can occur to anyone. Unless a headache is chronic it is usually not serious. Although there are many over the counter headache relief medications, they are not without side effects and should not be taken too often.
Instead, one should seek natural ways to get rid of a headache. A natural headache remedy works just as good as traditional medications, minus the side effects.
Many headaches are brought on by dehydration. Rehydrating the system will often be enough to ease a headache. It is important to consume plenty of water everyday. As soon as you feel the onset of a headache, drink some water or juice. Avoid caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate.
Too much eyestrain may bring on a headache. If you use the computer a lot, you should take regular breaks. Once a headache starts, try taking a five-minute break by closing your eyes. You may want to apply a cool compress on the forehead. This may ease the headache by regulating blood flow to the head. Keep re-applying the cool compress as needed.
Stress is a common cause of headache. If your headache is brought on by stress, you should learn to de-stress. One way is through meditation. Sit in a quiet room to meditate. Focus on your breathing and when your thoughts wander, bring your awareness back to the present. Through practice you can train yourself to meditate anywhere and any time. Movement may make a headache worse but if the headache is stress related, exercise may help. If you don't feel like moving, try a gentle exercise such as yoga. Simple yoga stretching and breathing techniques can even be done at your desk while at work.
Acupressure uses applied pressure onto points on the body to help eliminate pain. For a headache, apply pressure to each side of the temple using your thumbs. Slowly increase the pressure. Then slowly rub your thumbs in small circles. Do this for 5 minutes. There are some herbal cures for headaches that work very well. These are usually better than prescription or over the counter medications because they do not have any side effects.
Feverfew – Feverfew contains substances that inhibit the release of mood hormones in the brain. For best results, use fresh feverfew. If this is not available, consume feverfew as tea or in capsule form.
Bay – There have been some doctors who recommend taking feverfew with bay to prevent a headache. You can find this combination available at most health food stores.
Ginger – Ginger has long been known to relieve and prevent headaches. It is an anti-inflammatory and contains substances that provide natural headache relief. Take in capsule form, according to directions.
Peppermint – Taken internally or used externally, peppermint is a natural headache remedy. To take internally, drink peppermint tea. To use externally, mix several drops of peppermint oil with lotion or body oil and massage into the temples.
Try these natural headache remedies to find the combination that can get rid of your headache quickly and naturally. If you suffer from chronic headache, you should consult with your doctor to rule out any underlying problem that requires medical attention.
Article Source: ABC Article Directory
Are you A Good Candidate For LASIK Surgery?
Do all people make good candidates for LASIK surgery laser vision correction? Not according to reports by Austin news sources. This information was not meant to discredit LASIK surgery but more as information provided to consumers so they may be able to make an informed choice when choosing a LASIK surgery Austin based doctor clinic. The news report cited information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is applicable to any location offering LASIK eye surgery.
In an Austin news story, the FDA has reported that there are certain risks associated with laser eye surgery or LASIK. As with any surgery, there are risks and LASIK is no exception. Some patients do not achieve perfect 20/20 vision after the eye surgery. These patients may still require glasses or other corrective lenses, based on FDA findings in this LASIK surgery Austin based report.
Some of the side effects associated with Lasik eye surgery might include double vision, glare, a halo effect, and difficulty driving in dim conditions, an Austin news story reported. The FDA states that a doctor who doesn't discuss risks as well as benefits is not a good choice for a LASIK surgery Austin based procedure. Before having LASIK surgery, Austin patients, and those located elsewhere, should learn all the risks from their doctor.
Is it possible that and existing eye problem means that Lasik surgery is not the best choice for you? Laser eye surgery weakens the cornea, so persons with thin corneas are not good candidates. The FDAs web site has confirmed the story put out by Austin news. An Austin LASIK eye surgery candidates with dry eye or even enlarged pupils might also be disqualified from laser vision refractive surgery.
If you're having hormone changes and vision changes than LASIK surgery may not be for you. This fact was also cited by the Austin news report. Young people often experience several vision changes in a year, according to the FDA. Potential LASIK surgery Austin based patients should wait until vision changes don't occur during the previous year. Recent Vision changes due to disease (for example, diabetes), prescription medications or pregnancy might also complicate any eye surgery.
The FDAs web site has echoed many of the statements concerning LASIK surgery as cited by the Austin news report. This esulted in an informative story. Many potential laser vision patients eagerly flock to their local eye clinic without knowing both the benefits and the risks. Texas residents seeking LASIK surgery Austin doctors and clinics will be well-informed eye surgery patients.
About the author
Cats Claw - For Better Health & Immune System Protection
Cats Claw may not be as well known as some other herbs but the protection it can give to the body and its overall health benefits have seen it rise dramatically in popularity.
Let's take a closer look at Cats Claw and its immense health benefits.
Cat's Claw is a tropical woody vine that grows in the rain forests and jungles of Peru and has been referred to as "Miracle Herb of the Rain Forest ".
The vine derives its name from the small thorns at the base of the leaves, which look like a cat's claw.
Medical research
It has been drawing increasingly more interest among the proponents of natural health care and Cats Claw has been the subject of medical research since the 1970's.
These studies suggest that Cats Claw may help in the treatment of:
Arthritis, bursitis, allergies, diabetes, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, herpes, organic depression, menstrual problems and also beneficial for conditions of the stomach and intestines.
Protection of the immune system
Cats Claw is proven to boost the immune system.
Cat's claw is valued largely because of its immune-building properties and although not as well known as more popular herbs such as Echinacea, goldenseal, Pau D'Arco, garlic, and ginseng is seen as being just as important.
With the spread of HIV medical research has intensified in this area as well.
Active ingredients
The active ingredients in Cat's Claw are alkaloids, tannins and several other phytochemicals such as oxinole alkaloids, triterpines, glycosides, and sterols. These phytochemicals have adaptogenic, anti-tumor, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Health Benefits
* Helps the body fight off infections by helping the body's immune system * Helps Protect the body against degenerative diseases and aging
* Seen to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks by reducing the heart rate lowering blood pressure, improving circulation as well as controlling cholesterol
* Used to treat and protect against arthritis and rheumatism, as well as, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, PMS, lupus, and prostrate problems
* Used in the treatment of cancer, acne, diverticulitis, parasites, hemorrhoids, as well as varicose veins. * Helps treat digestive disorders including ulcers, gastritis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and conditions involving chronic inflammation
* Used in the treatment of herpes infections
* Acts as an all round powerful antioxidant to help protect the body from free radicals. When looking at essential herbs to take for better overall health don't overlook Cats Claw, as we have seen its benefits are immense.
Source: Cancer Diets That Can Help Control The Disease
Prostate Cancer Diets are a growing necessity with the growing number of men who are afflicted by this type of cancer. According to research a diet change and regular exercise can help to slow the growth of prostate cancer. A proper diet will be our focus for today.
So the question is basically, what can you eat? What can't you eat? We will cover foods and vitamins to take and avoid. We will discuss what not to eat and what you can eat to make a change in the cancer or to hold it steady. We will also discuss two diets that are very popular to control prostate cancer. There is so much information on the Internet today about different diets that can help with cancer patients diagnosis. Prostate cancer is one of the few that you can control in the early stages with a prostate cancer diet until you can get proper treatment.
Don't Feed Your Cancer, Starve It! (Certain Things)
Before we do that, I would like to cover some of the basic rules of thumb. First, you should keep your meals at about 500 calories or less. Run away from any fats or alcohol if you can. Do not consume more than 22 grams of fat per day. Cancer likes calories and both of these provide that to it. Stay away from meat in general. If you are going to eat meat, don't eat red meat at all. Limit your meat intake to a couple of days a week. Studies done by the Adventist Health group states that people who eat meat as a major part of their food intake are twice as likely to get colon cancer and the National Cancer Institute says that men who eat red meat 5 times a week are five times as likely to get prostate cancer. Drink about 2 quarts of water a day. If you want to drink something other than water, stick with green, red and white teas, not black teas. Get your fiber.
It is recommended that you get at least 30 grams of fiber a day when you have cancer. If you can't get it through foods, take a supplement. They have all kinds on the market that actually do taste pretty good now. Avoid oils that are high in Omega 6 fatty acids, such as corn, safflower, cottonseed and soybean oils. Why? Because they are associated with an increase in the number of tumors found in the body, according to Simpoulos, a doctor who specializes in cancers. You should limit your intake of calcium. This means that you should also limit your milk intake to 2 glasses a day. Men who consume more than 2000 mg of calcium a day, approximately 8 glasses of milk, have a higher chance of getting prostate cancer than those who drink less then 1/4 that amount. Other dairy products such as cheese, ice cream and yogurt should be taken in at a minimum, also. Dairy products have been proven to show a 50% increase in risk of getting prostate cancer. These are just some of the points we need to look at when considering what not to do.
What to Feed Yourself Instead of Your Cancer!
You are on your way to a better life already. Now lets discuss what you can eat to create a better, healthier diet and a show stopper for the cancer cells. Fruits and vegetables are your friends. I know you used to sneak them under the table to the family dog. (Some of you still do... :-) But instead of giving Fido all his daily vitamins, you should probably consume them for yourself. I will list specifics later in this section. Soy products are better for you than their dairy counterparts.
You should also consider, if you are going to eat a "meat", that you should eat fish. You see, by dietary standards, fish is not considered a meat. The reason fish is so good for you is because it has Omega 3 fatty acids, which are actually good for you. You can find them in Ocean fish and walnuts in its healthiest form. You should eat plenty of peas, beans and grains. Also, remember to take your Vitamins C, D and E, Selenium and Zinc, which are all very beneficial to you during cancer treatments. Always try to get your Daily Value from somewhere other than supplements. Supplements usually have a higher than needed amount in the bottle and your body doesn't always metabolize the full amount in the pills that are provided. Some of the fruits that are especially good for you include red grapes, strawberries, dried fruits, skins of citrus fruits and blueberries. Blueberries have also be found to reverse the aging process in a study that was done. This could be an added bonus. Fructose has been found to protect against prostate cancer in cancer research studies. They say that you should eat 5 servings of fruit a day. Further study showed that this may actually decrease your chances of having cancer by 37%.
Some others to consider include Shiitake Mushrooms, Legumes, broccoli sprouts, tomatoes, grains and fibers. High Fiber diets that include soy protein, which have isoflavins, are actually very good for you. Isoflavins apparently help with slowing the cancer down. For anyone wondering what fiber does to help with your cancer diagnosis, please read the following information. According to the National Academy of Sciences, "in addition to regularity, it reduces circulating androgen levels and thereby slows prostate cancer growth." You should consume around 25 mg a day of fiber. Grains have the best of everything in your prostate cancer diet. They will provide you with a low fat product that is rich in protein to help you replace the meat you are not eating and fiber to boot. You can find grains in many forms, including breakfast cereals and breads. Shiitake mushrooms are good for you because they have a compound that is used for many cancer patients in Japan. Lycopene, found in Tomatoes, is a powerful antioxidant.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition said that in 72 studies that almost half of them showed lowered cancer risk when an increase in eating tomatoes was present. This was particularly true for prostate patients, where the risk was lowered by about 40%, says the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The broccoli that your mother always tried to feed you and you told her you hated, well, it turns out that she really did know what was good for you. The only thing she didn't know what that 3 day old broccoli sprouts are even better for you than regularly matured broccoli. It contains 20 to 50 times more chemoprotective compounds according to the National Academy of Sciences.
Two Diets you can use right now to lower your risk of cancer include the Japanese diets and Southern Mediterranean diets. The Japanese diets are shown to reduce the risk of cancer. They include Green Tea, soy, vegetables and fish, also they are low in fat and calorie intake. The Mediterranean Diet is basically a fresh fruit and vegetable diet. It includes garlic, tomatoes, red wine and olive oil, and fish in the diet also. Neither of these diets include a lot of red meat.
There are many resources online to get your cancer diet headed in the right direction. Just look over the information and see what fits you, or what you can live with depending on how vital you find food to be in your life. You should be able to find plenty of foods to help with creating a variety of meals. The information above is limited, you can find much, much more information through doing more research. Never stop your search for great health.
Natural Prevention of Prostate Cancers
Prostate cancer is one of the three very common prostate diseases. Many experts estimate that every man will eventually develop cancer of prostate if he lives long enough.
- Natural prevention of prostate cancers begins with the habit of maintaining urinary tract as clean as is possible. A daily fluid intake to as much as 8 to 12 glasses will increase the urine amount. When you are drinking enough, you are urinating more often than usual. Eliminated extra fluids help maintaining the urinary tract clean. Since the prostate is involved seminal fluid producing, there is a strong belief that regular ejaculations - two or three times weekly - will also help. There is no much scientific proof of this, but it is risk-free.
- Diet is also a factor.
- Avoid red meat. There is a strong correlation between high red meat consumption - more than four servings weekly - and the development of prostate cancer.
- Eat cereals - wheat, oats and bran - as a good source of protein
- For the prevention of cancer as well as for healing, eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. Include in the diet apples, all kinds of berries, fresh cantaloupe, watermelons, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin (seeds tea especially), parsley, squash and yams.
- Increase the zinc intake using Wheat Germ oil, Wheat Germ and Oatmeal.
- Tomatoes, eat tomatoes as much as you can.
- Massage
- Lying down on the bed, face up, massage the lower abdomen just above the base of the penis. Be gentle, you should feel some pressure, but not pain.
- Massage each leg about 5 minutes/day to stimulate reflexology points.
Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men like prostate cancer prevention.
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Natural Supplements For Prostate Health
Each year thousands of men are treated for inflamed prostates, in most cases those cases of prostatitis could have been prevented with the help of supplements for prostate health. A healthy prostate is of the utmost importance. Men suffering from prostatitis often suffer from sexual dysfunction, difficulty urinating and even chronic abdominal and back pain. Prostate health should be important not only to elderly men, but also those as young their 40s. In order to encourage a health prostate, much consideration should be given to supplements for prostate health.
The first step to a healthy prostate should be one's dietary habits. Recent research has shown that the foods we eat have a strong impact on prostate health. Afflictions of the prostate are most commonly found in developed countries whose dietary habits focus on red meat and dairy products. Contrast that with a country whose diet focuses on fruit and vegetables and it is easy to see that natural foods can encourage a healthy prostate. A diet with significantly higher amounts of calcium will also lead to increased chances of developing prostatitis. Foods with tomatoes, pink grapefruits and even watermelons are rich in Lycopene, which is an antioxidant. Lycopene and nutrients like zinc and selenium are available in supplements for prostate health. A deficiency of vitamins like vitamins D and E can also lead to an increased chance of developing an enlarged prostate. Herbal remedies have long been found effective as supplements for prostate health.
In countries like the United States herbal supplements are often regulated to "dietary supplement" status, meaning many will not discover the incredible benefits that an herbal supplement may provide. In some cases, herbs are more effective then the most popular brands of prostate medications available. Much care should be taken to completely research any herbal regiment. Make no mistake, herbs are as powerful and in some cases are more powerful then prescription medication. Look for any supplemental information available on herbal remedies, prior to including them as supplements for prostate health.
The Truth About Natural Remedies For Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a very serious disease that is claiming the lives of able and strong people all over the world. The rise in the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer however is not surprising given the increase in the age of our population. With the baby boomer bubble now reaching around 60 years old, were looking for treatments and natural remedies to deal with this mostly senior disease.
Prostate cancer is typically considered a disease that usually affects men in their later years. This isn't to say the prostate cancer is ONLY a senior disease as some men have been diagnosed as early as their mid-30s with this type of cancer. There is research to suggest that prostate cancer may at least in part be hereditary. That is, if your father, uncle's or other close male relatives have or have had prostate cancer, your risk goes up dramatically.
Although agent heredity has been identified as major contributors to the increase in prostate cancer, there are a lot of things we can do to proactively prevent the disease or limit its impact on our lives. This is where natural remedies can really shine.
It's no secret that a healthy body is better able to fight off disease. It stands to reason than, that a natural, proactive remedy such as staying fit an active can only help.
Add to an active lifestyle, a low-fat diet, along with vitamins, minerals, and supplements to strengthen our immune system, and we have a strong arsenal to fight off many diseases such as prostate cancer. Let's be clear however, that I'm not suggesting a healthy lifestyle and vitamin supplements can cure cancer or even keep you from getting the disease.
Still, a healthy body, well charged with the necessary vitamins and minerals, can more effectively fight off a variety of illnesses and diseases. And in the event that a disease such as prostate cancer would take hold, a healthy body is better able to withstand the medical treatments that may be necessary to attack and cure the cancerous condition.
So although we may call them natural cures, the alternative medicine approach is much more effective in sustaining our outlook and body to ward off diseases in the first place. No matter how out of shape you may be, start today to make yourself healthier.
How Effective Are Herbal Remedies As Natural Cures for Prostate Cancer?
The debate surrounding the effectiveness of using natural cures for prostate cancer has gone on for quite some time. Although some people are advocating the use of herbal medicines and other natural processes in treating cancer, most of the scientific community is still hesitant to endorse such options.
According to some medical societies, natural cures for prostate cancer are not accurately termed since these natural procedures and materials cannot really cure cancer but are mostly used to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. Natural treatment methods are usually based on proper nutrition. Herbs, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are the most common basic ingredients of these so-called natural cures.
Most natural treatment options are based on herbs or antioxidants. In studies advocating the use of natural methods for treating prostate cancer, saw palmetto is often highlighted. This herb is primarily known for its anabolic properties and is more commonly used in treating benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). The herb operates by inhibiting the synthesis of growth-stimulating dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and promoting DHT elimination through the lowering of estrogen levels.
According to several clinical studies, saw palmetto is actually more effective in treating enlarged prostate than the prescribed drug, Proscar. These studies also argue that using the herb is better than using Proscar since the latter is more expensive and is associated with several side effects that include erectile dysfunction.
Another popular herbal remedy promoted by a number of studies is pygeum. Pygeum is an indigenous African remedy derived from tree bark. This herbal remedy contains chemicals that inhibit DHT synthesis and is often used to treat enlarged prostate. Aside from saw palmetto and pygeum, there is another herbal remedy that has become popular among natural cure advocates, and this is Cernilton. This herbal product is prepared from the extract of rye pollen and is used to treat BPH and prostatitis. In some parts of the world, the herb stinging nettle is also used to cure prostate disorders. This herb is marketed in the Europe under the name Bazoton.
Some natural remedies for prostate cancer and other prostate disorders use antioxidants as their primary ingredients. Lycopene, resveratrol and selenium are among some of the more common of these antioxidants. Most herbal remedies or antioxidant-based cures are marketed as supplements since absolute confirmation of their ability to cure cancer has yet to be issued by medical and health authorities.
The effectiveness of natural cures for prostate cancer has not yet been fully agreed on and some medical societies still oppose the use of these remedies. Nevertheless, advocates of these methods are continuously promoting them as treatment options for cancer.
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Hormone Levels And Sexual Health With Natural Remedies
Nutrition and diet are an important part of a woman's general health. Her sexual health is also affect by these factors. As women age, hormone levels decrease, and with hormone levels so goes the libido. Women can undergo hormone replacement therapy, to replace depleted hormones, but there are alternatives. Monitoring your diet will help you maintain a vital healthy sex life.
For the best sexual health in women, you should eat foods that are high in magnesium, potassium, Vitamin E, zinc, niacin, and amino acids. Foods that are high in fat can damage a woman's sexual well being by blocking arteries and decreasing blood flow to erogenous zones. Consuming larger amounts of fruits and vegetables lowers cholesterol and increases blood flow. Blood flow equals sexual stimulation. A healthy heart means sexual stamina so eating healthy fibers and starches also contributes to sexual health. Vitamins supplements and multivitamins increase energy levels and boost circulation giving you an overall sexual health boost.
Decreasing stress levels and adequate sleep are always factors in the bedroom. A woman's ability to maintain sexual interest and have regular orgasms hinges on her ability to reduce stress, relax, and be stimulated. Stimulating ones sense of smell and touch through massage oils and lubricants can play an important role in relaxation and overall sexual health. The following methods can be used to help reduce stress: yoga, meditations, or simply a hot bath and a good book.
Nutrition and exercise are an integral part of a man's sexual health as well. Many factors can contribute to changes in sexual health: including medications, illness, fatigue, and/or diseases. Cardiac complications can be caused by a diet that is high in fat. Adding fish and foods that are high in protein can rejuvenate a man's sexual health, along with foods containing high amounts of zinc. Fish, shellfish, and oysters all stimulate the health of the prostate.
Vitamin E and Niacin are both vitamins that are directly linked to sexual health. Vitamin E is called the "sex vitamin" because it is said to lead to stronger erections. Niacin constructs the sex and adrenal hormones. This vitamin imitates the natural flush one gets from sexual excitement and arousal. Niacin dilates the blood vessels and allows for more blood flow. Once again, for men as for women, blood flow equals sexual stimulation.
Your body needs exercise. Sex is good for your body. Exercise leads to heightened sexual experiences because the heart is pumping, blood is flowing and energy is available. When you work out, your body releases a great amount of stress. When you reach orgasm during intercourse, more stress is released. Basically, your physical and sexual health benefit from your healthy lifestyle.