One of the most exciting discoveries to make the news recently was that involving mint in the cure of cancer.
But let's back up a little first. There have been reports of miracle cures and natural treatments for almost every ailment and disease for as long as most of us can remember. Trouble is, there is almost always no proof, and we are left with only reassurances of ancient, but only recently discovered, healing properties of some plant, root or herb, that comes on the market, usually at great expense.
I have always maintained a healthy scepticism of these so called cures, mainly because they smack of profiteering. In fact if you trace the recent history of such claims over say, the last 15 years, there is very little evidence of reductions in incidence of, or improvements in condition of, sufferers of diseases that would have supposedly benefited from “new” natural cures.
So, it was with some interest that I read the BBC News report on the effect of a Chinese mint extract used to treat cancer, released by the University of Salford in the UK. The report states that an extract from Scutellaria barbata has been shown to be effective in destroying blood vessels supplying tumours. A particularly positive aspect of the extract was that it did not affect healthy cells as is frequently the case with other treatments. It should therefore result in fewer side effects. The treatment attacks the blood supply to the tumorous cells.
There is obviously a lot of work to be done yet. Human trials have not yet commenced but the University reports that experiments on tumour cells ahs been very encouraging and exciting, prompting the scientific step of moving to human trials. Theis will take some years before we can expect a more definitive declaration as to the success of the extract.
The Scutellaria barbata is commonly known as Skullcap or Scullcap, commonly prescribed by Chinese practitioners to treat cancer of the liver, lung and rectum, and other medical problems. So it is by no means new. This brings me to my next point.
There are many who will attempt to profit from the announcement of this research, possibly by selling a “secret” extract that will “cure cancer”. Although the claims may, in the end, prove to be true; I feel that cancer sufferers need to take a dispassionate look before leaping onto the bandwagon that may develop over the coming months. I know the temptation to try anything is very strong when one is suffering.
My only counsel is to talk first to someone who is experienced in the prescription of such treatments. Seek out accredited Chinese herbalists so as to at least get a more informed opinion. Talk to others who have had a treatment where possible, and discuss their particular condition. This way you can compare your own circumstances and compare apples with apples, so to speak.
Michael Haydon has been active in the investigation of Natural Cures for many years. He has investigated claims and reported these in many respected publications. See more at:
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