Colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer worldwide. The disease has the highest incidence in well developed countries, affecting thousands of people in the United States each year. Although colorectal cancer predominantly affects people with ages over 50, some forms of the disease can also occur in young adults and even children. Colorectal cancer is a life-threatening disease that occurs on the premises of genetically inherited predispositions and environmental factors.
According to the causes that lead to the development of colon cancer, there are two main types of the disease: inherited colorectal cancer and acquired (sporadic) colorectal cancer. Inherited colorectal cancer generally occurs due to the transmission of colonic physiologic abnormalities from one generation to another. The underlying cause of inherited colorectal cancer is the formation of colonic polyps, prominent tissues that can eventually become malignant. Inherited colorectal cancer can occur at any age.
Sporadic colorectal cancer generally occurs as a consequence of inappropriate diet, unhealthy lifestyle, obesity and physical inactivity. Acquired colorectal cancer is characterized by the formation of colonic tumors and carcinomas. This type of colorectal cancer is more difficult to diagnose and it predominantly affects older adults. Unlike hereditary colorectal cancer, acquired colorectal cancer can be effectively prevented by timely making lifestyle improvements and dietary adjustments.
Regardless of its actual causes, colorectal cancer needs prompt medical intervention. If the disease is discovered early, the medical treatments available today can control the progression of colorectal cancer, improving patients’ life expectancy. However, in present there is no effective cure for colorectal cancer and medical scientists are trying to find more reliable forms of treatment for this type of malignancy.
Doctors inform that a diet rich in calcium can both reduce the risks of colorectal cancer and slow down its progression. In the presence of active Escherichia coli bacteria, calcium seems to be a major inhibitor for colorectal cancer. Recent studies have found that the progression of colorectal cancer is slowed down by a type of bacteria that populates the gastrointestinal tract. It seems that Escherichia coli, the bacteria responsible for causing diarrhea, can actually prevent colon cancer cells from multiplying.
The toxins produced by Escherichia coli inside the large bowel trigger a release of calcium, slowing down the multiplication rate of carcinoma cells. Medical scientists are currently trying to minimize the side-effects associated with Escherichia coli bacteria in order to introduce this type of organism in future treatments for colorectal cancer. In present, medical scientists focus on laboratory altering this type of bacteria so that it can act as a safe active agent in stopping the division of malignant cells.
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