A List of Unique Alternative Medicine

A list of some of the alternative medicine practices you're likely to encounter in the United States. Some of these are considered border-line acceptable even in the professional medical field, and many understand that this is unfortunate.

Mostly these are just scams, quackery, and nonsense, which unfortunately gullible people believe in if they are desperate and grasping at false hope. Keep your eyes peeled for any of these, and be prepared to stamp out the harmful ones.

Doman-Delacato Treatment
This approach, also called "patterning," was developed during the mid-1950s and is still offered at the Institutes for Human Potential in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its proponents claim that the great majority of cases of mental retardation, learning problems, and behavior disorders are caused by brain damage and poor neurological organization. The treatment is based on the idea that high levels of motor or sensory stimulation can train the nervous system and lessen or overcome handicaps caused by brain damage.

Parents following the program are advised to exercise the child's limbs repeatedly and use other measures said to increase blood flow to the brain and decrease irritability. In 1982 and 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued position statements concluding that "patterning" has no merit, that its proponents' claims are false, and that the demands on families are so great that in some cases there may be actual harm in its use. In 1996, neurologist Steven Novella, M.D., reviewed the scientific literature and concluded that "patterning" was a pseudoscience.

Orthomolecular Therapy
Orthomolecular therapy is defined by its proponents as the treatment of disease by varying the concentrations of substances normally already present in the human body. Its proponents claim that many diseases are caused by molecular imbalances that are corrected by administration of the "right" nutrient molecules at the right time.

Orthomolecular therapy dates back at least to the early 1950s when a few psychiatrists began adding massive doses of nutrients to their treatment of many severe mental problems. The original substance was vitamin B3, and the therapy was termed "megavitamin therapy." Later the treatment regimen was expanded to include other vitamins, minerals, hormones, and dietary supplements, any of which may be combined with conventional drug therapy and even electroshock treatments. A few hundred physicians now use this approach to treat a variety of conditions, both of a mental and physical aspect.

Raw Milk
Raw milk is milk in its unpasteurized state. Public health authorities advocate pasteurization to destroy all disease-producing bacteria that may be present. Health faddists claim that it destroys the essential nutrients. Although about 10% to 30% of the heat-sensitive vitamins, which are vitamin C and thiamine, are destroyed in the pasteurizing process, milk is not a significant source of these nutrients in the first place.

Contaminated raw milk can be a source of harmful bacteria, including those that cause undulant fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, and tuberculosis. "Certified" milk, obtained from cows certified as healthy, is unpasteurized milk with a bacteria count below a specified standard, but it still contains significant numbers of disease-producing organisms.

Rife Frequency Generator
The Attorneys General of Wisconsin and Minnesota have sued to stop an unlicensed woman, Shelvie Rettmann, of Prior Lake, Minnesota, from representing that she cures cancer. In December 1997, Wisconsin Attorney General James Doyle showed that a Wisconsin resident who was diagnosed with advanced colon and liver cancer used Rettmann's services after being told that she could cure the woman's cancer. Although medical doctors had recommended chemotherapy, Rettmann had told her otherwise.

At their first meeting, Rettmann photographed the woman and her daughter with a Polaroid camera and put the photos in a cup fastened to a radionics machine. After informing the mother that she had colon and blood cancer and the daughter that she had breast cancer, Rettmann allegedly advised both to have treatments with a Rife Frequency Generator, a special diet, dietary supplements, a regimen of baths, and something called 'foot zoning', which is a type of foot massage claimed to break up accumulated deposits at the end of foot nerve endings in order to help heal the body.

VAX-D Therapy
The VAX-D Therapeutic Table is a motorized traction device which is used to stretch the lower back. VAX-D is an acronym for "vertebral axial decompression." The device is a two-part table in which the upper part is fixed to the table frame and the lower part slides back and forth to provide sudden intermittent traction. The patient is then anchored to the lower part by a pelvic harness.

VAX-D therapy is usually provided on an outpatient setting for the purpose of relieving back pain. Its providers, including chiropractors, medical and osteopathic physicians, and physical therapists, commonly recommend twenty sessions of 30-45 minutes, with a total cost of several thousand dollars. During the treatment, the patient lies face-down with the upper part of the body on the stationary portion of the table, and with arms overhead, grasping handles attached to the this part of the table. A pneumatic cylinder drives the two parts of the table apart and together to provide gradual stretching alternating with relaxation of the stretching. A typical cycle includes a minute of each half.

Auditory Integration Training
Abbreviated as AIT, this was developed as a treatment for autism by Guy Berard in France in the 1960s and since was introduced into the United States in 1991. It has also been advocated for children and adults with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, depression, migraine headaches, and many other mental conditions.

Proponents claim that individuals with these disorders have hearing that is disorganized, hypersensitive, different between the two ears, or otherwise abnormal. The first step in AIT is an audiogram, a diagram that determines the auditory thresholds to more frequencies than are typically measured during hearing tests. Suitable individuals then undergo training sessions, which are typically two half-hour sessions per day over a 10-day period, that involve listening to music that has been computer-modified to remove frequencies to which they are hypersensitive.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Audiology have warned that no well-designed scientific studies demonstrate that AIT is of any use. AIT devices do not have FDA approval for treating autism, attention deficit disorder, or any other mental condition. In 1997, the FDA banned the importation of the Electric Ear or any other AIT device made by Tomatis International, of Paris, France, and they are now illegal.

Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/

Natural Holistic Approach to Treating Cancer

Cancer research has uncovered many links between what people eat and their risk of then getting certain cancers. As a result, you can find literature that's full of facts about how to avoid cancer and how to go forth for a natural cancer cure. In my research, most of this literature has a great deal of information about the natural holistic approach on ways to prevent and heal cancer.

Many researchers have provided information about studies done by the National Cancer Institute. In one study using 35,000 male subjects, the Institute looked at the ability of selenium to prevent cancer. The investigators found that a low intake of selenium can cause a great increase in a male's risk for getting prostate cancer.

Another breakthrough study was performed at the Northern California Cancer Center in Fremont, California. The data compiled by those California researchers has indicated that exposure to the sun can help to prevent prostate cancer as well, which is something considerably new in the cancer research field. Further studies have shown that a generous amount of Vitamin D, such as what one gets from sunlight, will cut a man's chances in half for getting prostate cancer.

As physicians and researchers begin to make greater use of the new drugs for treating cancer, it becomes obvious that medicine needs to pay closer attention to holistic cancer cures in addition to these traditional treatment methods. Holistic cures take into consideration all of the parts of the body, not just the specific body part that has the cancer. But the mind and spirit is as well.

The case of one woman in California illustrates the need for a holistic approach to cure cancer. The woman has been receiving chemotherapy for a lung cancer. She
has learned that the drug that is helping to fight her cancer has also created changes in her blood. Her blood is getting thicker.

As a result, that California patient must avoid eating foods with Vitamin K, a vitamin that helps to thicken blood. The woman continues to sacrifice by not eating certain foods that she loves such dark green vegetables. If one can understand that this particular woman is affected by what she eats, researchers and physicians should be aware that what humans eat may have more of a relevant link to cancer than they
first thought was the case.

Research has also found that smokers have a greater chance for getting cancer, especially lung cancer. But there are some things you can do starting now by changing your habits toward a healthier you.

Start With These Tips:

1. Eat balance meals
2. Cut out the sweets
3. Watch your cola intake
4. Take supplements
5. Exercise regularly
6. Stop Smoking

Trying to prevent cancer is always the best step in the right direction

Homeopathic Medicine

Have you ever heard of homeopathy? You probably have, but have no idea what it really is. Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats an illness or condition with highly diluted concentrations of natural ingredients that mimic the symptoms of the condition being treated. It seems like an odd premise, but in spite of the unusual mechanism behind it, it is a very effective method for treating disease.

How do you cure someone of an illness by giving that person a tiny concentration of something that actually causes the illness? According to proponents of the science, homeopathy not only works, but works better than conventional medicine. They say that somewhere along the line the pharmaceutical industry got involved in medicine, at which point natural remedies were abandoned in favor of chemical formulations.

If you browse through your local pharmacy, you will notice that there are actually quite a few products in the Cold & Flu aisle that are homeopathic. The easiest way to to find out if a product you are interested in is homeopathic is to read the label on the back and take a look at the ingredients. In homeopathy, all of the ingredients are diluted, so each ingredient in a homeopathic product has the letter X or C after it.

So, if one of the ingredients is Zinc 20X, that means the product contains Zinc that has been diluted 20 times. One of the most popular cold medicines on the market, Zicam, is actually a homeopathic remedy that consists of nothing more than homeopathic zinc in a nasal gel. Most people that use Zicam do not even realize that it is a homeopathic product.

There are homeopathic remedies available for almost any condition you can think of. Cold, flu, allergy, even bedwetting; there is a homeopathic remedy available for almost every condition. Homeopathy is universally recognized as being safe because the ingredients are always natural substances diluted many times over.

The big drug companies claim that any relief felt from the application of a homeopathic medicine can be attributed to the placebo effect. And, because the FDA does not require homeopathic products to undergo a clinical trial before being sold to the public, the detractors feel that homeopathy is junk science. So, is homeopathy a bunch of hodgepodge, or does it really work?

In my opinion, it works. There have been several clinical trials done over the years to test the efficacy of homeopathic products. Liddell Laboratories makes a product called Vital HGH which contains homeopathic HGH. Vital HGH is designed to treat the symptoms of aging and/or a rundown condition. In a small clinical trial performed years ago, a group of test subjects who were deficient in human growth hormone, ranging in age from 45 years and up, were given the Vital HGH formulation.

The results speak for themselves. During the five month clinical trial, the levels of HGH in the blood increased in every test subject, and more than doubled the average level of HGH. I personally have used homeopathic remedies to treat my allergies, and not only do they work, but they seem to prevent the symptoms from returning for an extended period of time.

The main reason why big drug manufacturers try to downplay the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines is so they will not have to make them. Most homeopathic products are incredibly cheap to manufacture and the profit margins are extremely small. A prescribed conventional medicine costs a lot more.

If the public began demanding natural, homeopathic remedies for their ailments, drug companies would have to make these kinds of products to stay in business, and then their revenues would tumble and their profits would shrink.

Imagine if Pfizer had to stop manufacturing Viagra, which they sell at $20-$30 per pill, and instead make a homeopathic product that would retail for only $20 for a one month supply. That is why drug companies often spend significant money to debunk claims that homeopathy works, using misinformation tactics to instill a belief in the public that homeopathy is a sham. This simply is not true. Homeopathy works, and is much more affordable.

Conventional medicines are still necessary because sometimes homeopathy does not work for each and every individual. But, next time you go to the pharmacy, take a look at some of the homeopathic brands on the shelf and give them a whirl. For common ailments that are not life threatening, homeopathy is probably a cheaper and more effective alternative.

Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/

Is It Only The Sugar? Diabetes Awareness

Diabetes is something we hear about often these days. Over 20 million Americans have diabetes.

When the world went fat-free, sugar took over to add taste to otherwise lame tasting foods. Unfortunately there is sugar in most packaged and fast food. You have to really study the labels to see if sugar is added to even seemingly non-sugar needing foods. Take packaged smoked salmon for example. Why do I need sugar in my salmon, or my tomato sauce? In my sushi? Or salad dressing?

Is it only the sugar ?
Omitting the processed sugary snacks, cookies, and foods with sugar added is not the only thing to do for prevention of a potential sugar overload lurking around the corner. Whether you already have diabetes, pre-diabetes, or just want to bring more awareness around sugar into your life, this hopefully will help you out. Most people think that diabetes is only about getting the sugar and simple carbs out of the diet. It is NOT. Meat and dairy plays a role as well. Surprise to most of you?

A new study that just came out says that a low-fat vegan diet treats type 2 diabetes more effectively than a standard diabetes diet, according to a study in Diabetes Care, a journal published by the American Diabetes Association. Study participants on the low-fat vegan diet showed dramatic improvement in four disease markers: blood sugar control, cholesterol reduction, weight control, and kidney function.

This is not surprising news to the macrobiotic world though. Michio Kushi has for years recommended wholegrain, especially millet, round sweet vegetable, especially pumpkin, and beans, especially adzuki beans, for diabetes. These are foods that help strengthen the pancreas.

In her book What to Eat, Marion Nestle talks about how children with type 1 diabetes often have antibodies against cow-milk proteins, which might have cross-reacted and destroyed the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

In another study, just one egg per day added to the diet of diabetics doubled their risk of heart disease.

And how does meat fit in? Excess meat not only makes you highly acidic, it also affects your pancreas, which then can affect insulin production. Animal fat and saturated fat is actually linked to insulin resistance.

Diabetes Prevention: Where does the sweetness in life come from?
Replace sugary substances with naturally sweet foods; omit cookies and candy. But also remember the fruit juices, sport drinks, and all those so-called naturally sweetened ice-teas.
Watch out for granola bars and other health fakes that promise energy. They are normally loaded with sugar, which indeed gives you energy, here and now. But increased health? No.
Instead blend fruit juices with water, put some fresh lemon in water, have chilled peppermint tea or unsweetened green tea. Choose fresh fruit and nuts instead of granola bars.

Replace refined grain and flour with wholegrain. People who eat wholegrain have a lower risk of diabetes, say researchers at the University of Minnesota. Wholegrain, fiber from grains, and the magnesium found in wholegrain seem to have a positive effect on diabetes, the study concluded.

Refined grain converts to sugar too fast as it does not have the same fiber content as wholegrain. This means omit or at least limit, all refined flour, wheat, tropical fruit, most cold cereals (normally coated in a sweetener), regular refined wheatflour pasta and white rice.

It is also best to omit bread because of the yeast. Yeast can cause bacteria overgrowth and increase mycotoxins, which are linked to diabetes. You can get bread from sprouted grain instead that are actually quite delicious. As for the yeast, this also includes beer, wine, and all other baked goods.

Add more fiber rich food:
-Wholegrain (millet, oats, rye, bran, brown rice, quinoa, barley and buckwheat)
- Legumes; beans, lentils, peas.
- Have lots of most vegetables. For some root vegetables are fine, for others, be careful with the glycemic index. The more fiber in the vegetables, the slower the sugar is absorbed. Pumpkin is also recommended.
- Fresh fruit (dried fruit has a higher glycemic index).
- Alkalize with a lot of green food and chlorophyll. Dark leafy greens such as kale, fiber rich green food such as broccoli, brusselssprouts, string beans, asparagus; and green drinks from cereal grasses such as wheatgrass, if you are on a health track.
- Limit saturated and animal fats. This means meat and dairy products such as cheese, butter, and milk. There are also mycotoxins found in meat, again linked to diabetes.
- Instead, get your healthy fats from foods rich in omega 3. Nuts, seeds, avocado, flaxseed, olive and flaxseed oil. Some fish can be implemented especially those higher in omega 3 fatty acids. (Wild salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines).
- And of course, do not forget to exercise, move, breathe, de-stress (stress causes acidity in the body as well)

In his book, The Healing Power of Illness, Thorwald Dethlefsen draws the parallel between the pancreas (the organ weakened in diabetes) and our longing for love. Is that why we crave the sweet stuff?

SO: Since I always come from the perspective of Self-Nourishment, consider where your sweetness in life is coming from. Don't let it be the substitute of sugar, let it be the real stuff as in good healthy food, nature, love, community, laughter, and some nice ME-time.

In a nutshell:
1. A carefully balanced diet based on whole foods; wholegrain, beans and lentils, vegetables and fruit, plus low in saturated and animal fat.
2. A pure, positive, and creative mind. -Try some meditation. And a loving, open heart. -Especially when it comes to loving yourself.
3. An active lifestyle, which includes work, physical movement, and breathing exercises. -Yoga works well, so does nice walks or bicycle rides.


Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/

Is Juvenile Diabetes Hereditary?

The genetics of diabetes are very complex, but before I delve into that, you need to be aware that the terminology has changed. What used to be called Juvenile Diabetes is now called type 1. What used to be called Adult Onset diabetes is now called type 2, as you note. The reason for no longer using the terms Juvenile and Adult Onset is that both Juvenile and Adult Onset Diabetes occur throughout the life span. Thus, the old terms are misleading.

Type 1 and type 2 are completely different conditions which share a common clinical end result, elevated blood glucose levels. Actually type 2 and 1 are really families of diseases, but we'll leave that complication out for simplicity's sake.

Yes, diabetes of both types can run in families and there is a genetic component to the diseases which may, or may not, be inherited. On the other hand, the majority of diabetics, of either type, do not have a first degree relative with the disease. The genetic predisposition to diabetes is fairly easy to come by. In both cases, there are probably many contributing genetic locations and the probability you will get the disease depends on which subset of the locations that have the disposing characteristic a particular individual winds up possessing. There also appear to be some genes which protect from the disease. The general picture of the onset of diabetes is that you have a genetic predisposition which is then triggered by some environmental factor. Beyond this very general picture the two types start becoming distinct.

The probability that an individual with a type 1 sibling will develop type 2 diabetes is the same as in the general population, since they are independent conditions. The estimates of the risk of type 2 vary quite a bit for a couple reasons. Type 2 incidence rises very steeply with age and so any age cut off in your sample has a dramatic effect on the cumulative incidence. Rates also vary widely depending on the details of the population you look at. Lastly, much of the type 2 diabetes remains undiagnosed, so your calculated rate depends heavily on your estimate of the undiagnosed population. In round numbers, the risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes during a 70 year life is 10%. The risk of contracting type 2 is close to twice that.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._Valerian

Is There a Cure For Diabetes?

The health burden caused by diabetes mellitus, known to most simply as diabetes, is growing which is forcing the diabetes community to respond with one of three choices. The first choice is to prevent diabetes, the second is to cure it, and the third is to take care of the people who have it in order to prevent complications which can be devastating. All three approaches are actively being pursued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the CDC, or Center for Disease Control. The National Institutes of Health is involved especially in doing research of methods to cure both type 1 diabetes, and type 2 diabetes, but they are focusing on type 1 diabetes. The Center for Disease Control on the other hand, is focusing most of the programs that it runs on ensuring that all proven science is put into daily practice for those who are dealing with diabetes. The general idea is that if every piece of important research and science is made meaningful in the day-to-day lives of people who are dealing with diabetes, then the research is not wasted. These are the approaches for a cure that are currently being pursued:

• Transplantation of the Pancreas.

• Transplantation of Islet cells which produce insulin.

• Development of an artificial Pancreas.

• Genetic Manipulation, which will create pseudo islet cells by inserting the human insulin gene into fat or muscle cells which do not normally make their own insulin.

These approaches are still facing challenges, like preventing rejection by the immune system, finding enough adequate insulin cells, keeping transplanted cells alive, etc. Progress is being made fairly consistently however, in all of these areas.

Is Insulin a Cure? No, insulin is not a cure for diabetes, and neither is injecting it. Insulin can allow a diabetic to survive, but many devastating consequences can be caused by the disease when the blood sugar level is crudely controlled. The insulin injections a diabetic takes cannot be as precisely or as continuously adjusted to maintain sugar levels that are safe, in the way that blood sugar and insulin levels match normally. The diabetic can risk a dramatic injection of insulin when blood sugar levels are too low. These reactions can include loss of consciousness, confusion, coma and even possibly death if not handled properly. When the injected insulin is below the amount that is required, the diabetic’s blood sugar can rise to cause damage to the diabetic’s eyes, heart, nerves, kidneys and blood vessels. Insulin is not a cure for diabetes, because it does not restore the diabetic’s ability to adjust their production of insulin every minute, which is a normal part of living.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arturo_Ronzon

Diabetes Mellitus: How Do I Get It?

Diabetes Mellitus is a group of chronic disorders that are caused by a minor or total insulin deficiency.

Although there are genetic factors to it, developing the disease also depends greatly on environmental factors.

It affects over 130 million people worldwide. In America, 1 in every 20 people has diabetes.

The disease itself must be managed through monitoring and maintaining proper blood sugar levels through a healthy diet and regular exercise.

It is a disease that weakens the vascular system and causes many complications, such as loss of eye sight or kidney damage.

For every one patient that is diagnosed with this disease, there is another who is not.

The complications of those who have not received, or ignore their diabetic diagnosis, at times overwhelm the medical community and it is also the disease that has the most financial impact on the economy at 100 billion dollars per year.

Diabetes is divided into two major groups. The first group, known as Primary Diabetes Mellitus, covers the most commonly known types of diabetes:

*Type 1 - this is an insulin dependent type of diabetes *Type 2- this is a non-insulin dependent type of diabetes *Type 3- this is a malnutrition related type of diabetes, not commonly discussed *Gestational Diabetes- this a type of diabetes that develops in women during pregnancy

The second group of diabetes is known as Secondary Diabetes Mellitus.

These types of diabetes are caused by outside factors other than genetics and environmental factors.

When things like acute or chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer destroys the pancreas- which is the insulin producing organ in the body- secondary diabetes will occur.

Chronic liver disease like in Hemochromatosis, endocrine abnormalities like in Hyperthyroid and Cushing syndrome are very common.

The use of medications to treat other conditions can all bring about a diagnosis of secondary diabetes.

Genetic disorders, like Down syndrome is involved in diabetes.

The main abnormality with diabetes is the difficulty of having to control blood sugar. Insulin is produced in the pancreas and its function is to control your blood sugar in a narrow range. In type I diabetes we find that there is not enough insulin production. In type II diabetes, most of the time we find enough insulin but it is not available to control the sugar levels. Both the above situations lead to a rise in blood sugar and further on to diabetes.

Article from: http://www.articlestree.com/

Juvenile Diabetics Get Help from a Fish

Sometimes simple solutions rule. Isn't it great when that happens? Well, recent research shows that a simple solution can help prevent juvenile diabetes for millions of children all around the world - and simple salmon is the solution!

Research from a nationwide study at the Norwegian Institute of Health revealed that when parents give their children cod liver oil (don't worry, I'll get to the salmon), during their first year of life, the risk of juvenile diabetes goes down by more than 25%. That's significant. And the discovery was so important it was published in the highly respected, peer-reviewed American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Scientists believe the reason for these results is the inflammation reducing capabilities of omega 3 fatty acids in certain fish with high EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Those names are a mouthful, but they work wonders. And salmon is the highest source of EPA and DHA. (See, I told you I'd get to the salmon!)

There are two kinds of diabetes - type 1 and type 2. In both diseases, the body is unable to make insulin properly or use and store glucose. This causes blood sugar problems. Type 2 diabetes is traditionally adult onset. But, because of poor lifestyle health habits, more and more children are developing Type 2 diabetes.

Juvenile onset diabetes (type 1) usually begins in childhood or adolescence. And then the production of insulin shuts down entirely requiring daily insulin injections. Over time, there are often complications for insulin-depend diabetics. Within 15 years of the onset, over 80% end up with major eye damage. Some have kidney failure and need kidney dialysis to survive. And 35% of juvenile diabetics die from heart attacks before their mid-fifties.

Isn't it great that omega 3 fish are swimming to the rescue? But, it's not the first time. Over the past two decades, research has proven that EPA and DHA have many incredible health benefits, including positive results for people with type 2 diabetes. Now this new study shows omega 3 fish oil can also help prevent type 1 juvenile onset diabetes. Kind of makes you want to kiss a fish. (Or maybe not!)

EPA and DHA are found in cold water fish like cod and salmon. And salmon, from unpolluted Arctic Ocean waters, is the purest, most potent source. Since a common cause of type 1 diabetes is autoimmune disease, scientists believe the extraordinary natural, anti-inflammatory, immune building properties of omega 3 fish are what helps to prevent juvenile diabetes.

When taken by a mother during pregnancy and nursing, pure fish oil with EPA and DHA provides many other life-long health benefits for children. For example, it greatly improves a baby's nervous system, vision and hearing. Research also shows omega 3 fish oil is vitally important for the development of a baby's brain and produces higher intelligence.

So, if you want your child to grow up smart, strong and healthy and be well equipped to swim up stream, my recommendation is to make sure you and your family eat more cold water fish and add high quality omega 3 salmon oil capsules to your diet.

Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/

Benefits of a Low GI Diet for Diabetics

Type II Diabetes is a serious health condition that generally results when the body is unable to properly process excess amounts of glucose circulating in the blood stream. More commonly occurring in adults, type II diabetes does not require insulin injections for management, but rather can be controlled by careful adherence to a low Glycemic index diet.

Nutritionists have long been advocates of the premise that high Glycemic index foods should be limited in our diets in order to promote low blood sugar and its related damage to other organs in the body. In addition to being directly related to type II diabetes, a diet consisting of primarily high Glycemic index foods has also been associated with stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and even nerve damage to the lower extremities of the body.

Type II diabetes is often referred to in medical circles as a silent killer, primarily because most people who suffer from it are not aware they have it. Due to its insidious nature of presenting no obvious symptoms, type II diabetics are often unaware of just how serious their condition is because although the deficiency of insulin is a viable health risk, the pancreas struggles very hard to produce some insulin in order to keep the body functioning, which makes early detection difficult.

Type II diabetes can be readily controlled by a careful adherence to a diet that is based primarily on consumption of low Glycemic index foods interspersed with a minimum of high Glycemic index content.

A well-balanced diet for someone who has been diagnosed with type II diabetes should consist of low Glycemic index foods. In addition, consideration should be given to:

-Foods low in saturated fats. Foods known to be high in fat include anything fried in hydrogenated oils like French fries, onion rings, etc. These foods should be totally eliminated or severely restricted for any diabetic.
-Try to limit protein intake to those products prepared with non-fat dairy products. Skinless poultry, baked fish and lean meats should be eaten in moderation.
-Carbohydrate consumption should be restricted to whole grain cereals, pasta and bread again, in moderation.
-Increase consumption of fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. Some nutritionists believe that consumption of uncooked, raw vegetables can actually reduce and sometimes eliminate the detrimental effects of type II diabetes.
-Choice of food should be relevant to variables such as vitamin, mineral and fiber content.
-Have at least one low Glycemic index food at every meal while severely limiting highly processed, starch laden foods like potatoes and refined breads and pasta.
-Instead of plastering salads with creamy dressing, use vinaigrette on the side. Try dipping veggies in vinaigrette instead of pouring it on. You use much less that way.
-Take smaller portions of food. Eat slowly -give your stomach a chance to digest what you have eaten before you overload it.

Foods with a low Glycemic index should be a part of a healthy eating plan, but there are other considerations for type II diabetics such as regulating meal times, limiting glucose intake, increasing fibre and reducing fat intake.

Understanding Glycemic index can help control glucose levels and cholesterol levels which will go a long way in promoting overall good health.

Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/

Prevent Diabetes Through Managing Stress

Stress plays a big part in triggering or aggravating all major illnesses; including cardiovascular problems, strokes and also, diabetes. Researchers have determined that work related stress is linked to many metabolic syndromes including high cholesterol and triglycerides and high blood pressure. Thus, to prevent diabetes, you should think about reducing the level of stress.

A study was recently conducted that included over 10,000 men and women between the ages of 35-55 years old. The study aims to prove that there is a link between work related stress and metabolic problems. Prior to joining the study, the participants were tested to see if they had any metabolic problems. The study concluded that the more work related stress that the individual experiences, the more likely that the person has or will be diagnosed with a metabolic problems, including diabetes. People who work in chronic stress were found to have twice the risk of developing diabetes. Researchers concluded from this study that stress does increase the risk that you will develop a metabolic problem and/or diabetes.

Learning how to cope with stress at work will aid in preventing diabetes from developing. What do you do to handle stress at work? Do you let it go when you leave the job or do you carry it home with you? If you cannot let it go, you are hurting your body and increasing your chances of diabetes.

Here are some ways that you can help relieve some of the stress at work and hence prevent diabetes.

- Regular breaks can help if possible. If possible, get up and move around your office at least one time per hour to keep your stress down.

- While sitting at your desk, you can do relaxation and stretching exercises.

- Replace your caffeinated coffee and soda with water.

- Leave the work in the office if you can.

- If you have days off, then take them. Avoid social situations where the talk will revolve around work.

- Deep breathing and relaxation techniques can help you relieve your stress levels even while sitting at your desk.

The link between stress and metabolic diseases is strong. One reason is that stressed people do not take proper care of themselves by exercising and eating well. This, along with the stress hormones, increases your blood sugar levels, too. The key to keeping your blood sugar levels stable and to prevent diabetes is to learn how to deal with stress.

Keeping your attitude positive can help reduce your reaction to stress. If you feel yourself starting to get stressed, then it is time for you to do something positive for yourself, such as take a walk, read a book, listen to relaxing music, or call a friend. Anything that you find makes you feel good and lifts your spirits is what you need to do to keep the stress from hurting your body and to prevent diabetes. Breathing techniques can help you relax, increase the oxygen to your brain, and make you feel better, too.

If your job is causing most of your stress, then it is time to do something about it. You should talk to your boss and see if you can find ways to make it less stressful. It is also far better to take on a less stressful position than to be stressed and unhealthy. If you want to prevent diabetes, there is much that you can do to improve on the stressful situation.

Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/

Natural Cure for Diabetes

Food Therapy should be followed under the supervision from your doctor. Check your sugar level frequently so that sugar levels do not go beyond the recommended level

Foods to avoid

It is always advisable to avoid some foods if you are diabetic such as refined sugar, sweets, syrups, glucose, jam, molasses, fruit sugar, ice-cream, cakes, pastries, sweet biscuits, chocolates, soft drinks, condensed milk, cream and fried foods. Fats like butter, ghee and hydrogenated vegetable oil should also be avoided. White sugar and white flour should be reduced drastically. Avoid all processed foods, junk food, pastries, cookies, canned and preserved foods. They contain harmful preservatives and lot of salt. Avoid soft drinks since these have a lot of sugar. Try to avoid fried foods from your diet. Smoking results in the using up of oxygen in the body. It will result in less of oxygen needed by the body to metabolize glucose. So smoking should be avoided.

Foods to be limited

Salt consumption should be reduced to a minimum. You will get enough salt form the vegetables and fruits you eat. Reduce animal foods especially red meats. Reduce poultry and egg. Reduce caffeine and alcohol. Do not drink tea and coffee more than 2 cups a day. Try to replace it with green tea or herbal teas like Parsley tea, Blueberry leaf, Tea made of tender walnut tree leaves, Water in which kidney bean pods have been cooked is good diabetes.

Do not consume alcohol in empty stomach. Alcohol on an empty stomach can cause low blood glucose or hypoglycemia.Foods that should be consumed in moderation are honey and other natural sugars like palm sugar, dates which can be used instead of white sugar. Remember these should be consumed in very little quantity only.Pasta, coconut, other nuts, unsweetened juices, eggs should be limited. You can replace it with whole grain, unpolished rice and Soya products. Try to eat whole grain bread instead of white flour. Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are more advisable that hydrogenated fats. Low fat food like skimmed milk and low fat home made cottage cheese can be taken in moderation. You can also substitute it with yoghurt. Sea food and fish also can be taken in moderation.

Foods to be taken

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. An alkaline diet with natural food is recommended. Wholegrain, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and dairy products form a good diet for the diabetic. Raw vegetables can be taken in high quantities. It has been found that cooked foods raise blood glucose higher than raw, unpeeled foods. Cooking destroys many of the enzymes and some vitamins and minerals.

Eat at least five fruits every day. Fruits like grape fruit, pomegranate juice, Indian blackberry, banana, granny smith apples, fig, cranberries, black berry, kiwi fruits, and citrus fruits are highly recommended. It can be taken as a snack. Cucumber, Lettuce, onion, garlic string beans cucumber radish, tomato, carrot, leaves; spinach turnip, cabbage and Jerusalem artichoke are good for diabetes. Colorful vegetables are good for the functioning of pancreas. Drink Fruit juices without sugar. Brewer’s yeast and sprouted alfalfa and mung beans are good for the body. Unripe banana also can be cooked and eaten.

The most important of all is eating high fiber diet which lowers need for insulin. It releases energy into the body slowly. It has also been found that diabetes decreases and may even disappear in people eating a high fiber or whole food diet. High fiber diet has more chromium and chromium is very good for people with diabetes. Eat lot of potassium rich foods like raw peanuts, tomato, bananas, melons, dried peas, potatoes, apple cider vinegar, skimmed milk powder, wheat but do not take potassium supplements.

Include soluble fiber in your meals like barley, oatmeal, almond meal, dried beans, kidney beans, cooked black beans, peas, cereals, chickpeas, Bengal gram which has low glycemic index, , Black gram, lentils and corn or garbanzo beans to helps considerably in reducing blood sugar levels. Soy products like tofu, tempeh, soymilk, soya powder, soy bean sprouts, nuggets etc are also very good in containing neurological complications in diabetes. You can make bread out of any of the whole grains. Get a lot of soluble fiber into your diet. When you eat lots of bread, cereal and starchy vegetables you will get enough of starches which is very helpful for diabetes. Insoluble fibers, found in bran (oat bran, wheat bran), whole grain breads, whole grains and nuts, act as intestinal scrubbers by cleaning out the lower gastrointestinal tract. Fiber cleans your intestinal tract by moving out the food so that it wouldn’t stay there and putrefy. Butter milk and yoghurt diet are very beneficial.

Helpful herbs and vegetables

1. Bitter Gourd (Karela): Bitter gourd Momordica-charantia or bitter melon juice contains plant insulin and should be taken 2 ounce 2 times daily on an empty stomach. It is found to be very effective for diabetes. Or It can be cooked as any vegetable and eaten. Or The bitter melon powder can be made by drying. Take bitter gourd powder I teaspoon daily in empty stomach.
2. Taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day may help prevent the onset of diabetes. Even soaking a cinnamon sticks in your tea, could also benefit non-diabetics who have blood sugar problem but are unaware of it.
3. 30 gram fenugreek seeds can be soaked in a glass of water at night and after 12 hours take it and grind it into a paste with the soaked water and drink it on a empty stomach. Or 2 teaspoon if powdered seeds can be taken with water or milk. Or You can add fenugreek into anything you cook.
4. Eating upto 3 grapefruits a day has also been helpful.
5. 1 tablespoon of amla (Emblica officinalis) after removing the seeds extract the juice and mix with a cup of bitter gourd juice and take daily for 2months in a empty stomach.
6. Gymnema Sylvestre a traditional ayurvedic herb the leaf of which is to be taken up to 4 grams per day.
7. Indian blackberry seeds or Jamun seed powder (scientific name of Jamun is Eugenia jambolana or Syzygium cumini L and) is very good for diabetes. Take 1/4th teaspoon with 1 teasoon honey for 50 days.
8. Eating freshly crushed raw garlic 3-4 grams a day lowers blood sugar. You can wash it down with a glass of water.
9. Neem seeds daily 2 times a pinch. Taking a gram of neem leaf daily helps in diabetes.
10. Bael (Aegle marmelos) : The leave of the bael tree when chewed are very useful in diabetes. Pulp of this fruit could be dried and taken in doses of 5 to 10 gms a day.
11. A pinch of pure turmeric powders mixed in amla juice (Indian goose berry) and eat daily in empty stomach.
12. Use of turmeric and gooseberry in equal quantities in powder form taken with warm water is very useful in this behalf. These activate the pancreatic cells and more insulin is produced.
13. Wild jeerakam cumin seeds black colored 60 gm in 1 liter and boil a reduce it ti 1/4th liter and take half divide it into two equal parts and drink one part in the morning and one in the evening 2 times daily.
14. Grind (Bacopa monnieri )Bhrahmi and add a teaspoon of it to milk and drink.

Vitamins that help

Supplements in natural forms are more conducive to the body. Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. Vitamin C: 500 mg is recommended. Vitamin E: This vitamin is very valuable for diabetes. A daily dose of 200 i.u. of Vitamin E is recommended for a fortnight at a time. Chromium: Whole grains, seeds, mushrooms, corn oil and brewer’s yeast are relatively good sources of biologically valuable chromium. Vitamin A:. Take A dose of 15,000i.u. on alternate days. Vitamin B: Avoid large dosage of vitamin B because this vitamin interferes with the absorption of insulin by cells.

Things to do

Controlling your Weight is the best way to treat diabetes. Exercise improves the body's response to insulin. An exercise program should be started only with the advice of a doctor to avoid unnecessary complications. Walking, light games, jogging and swimming are also good.

Yoga can help a lot. To relieve stress do meditation once a day for 10 to 40 minutes. Yogic asanas like Siddhasana, Vajrasana, Talasana, Yastikasana,, like Yogamudra, Hastapadasana, Paschimottanasana, Chakrasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana and Viparitakarani, as halasana, shalabhasana, dhanurasana, Pratipaksabhavana and shavasana will also be beneficial.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anita_Cherrys

Natural Remedies for Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which blood-sugar (glucose) levels are above normal—either the body doesn’t produce enough of the hormone insulin, which breaks down sugar in the blood, or it cannot utilize its own insulin properly. Diabetes can cause serious health complications including blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and even limb loss. The good news is that if you are one of the 20.8 million Americans struggling with diabetes (type 1 and type 2 combined) there are natural approaches to help avoid these life-threatening conditions.

As in almost all areas of health, exercise and proper diet can help tremendously for diabetes. That does not mean a heavy exercise regimen nor does it mean a radical weight loss. Moderate exercise and a weight lose of only 5% or slightly more can make a substantial difference (and that holds true for those considered significantly overweight as well as those carrying a few pesky extra pounds. To achieve a 5% or more weight loss may require no more than cutting out soft drinks and taking regular walks for example. At any rate, losing 5% is easily achievable with modest exercise and a sensible diet that includes plenty of vegetables and fruit (though little or no fruit juice because of its high sugar content), fermented whole grains, and getting rid of dangerous trans fats.

In addition to sensible dieting and physical activities, the following have all shown the ability to help with diabetes:

Pycnogenol - Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant derived from French maritime pine tree bark and the subject of more than 180 studies over 35 years which has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and blood glucose without affecting insulin levels. Of particular note is its ability to reduce leakage into the retina by repairing capillaries in the eyes. While still largely unknown to American doctors, Pycnogenol is the leading prescription for diabetic retinopathy in France.

Bitter Guord - Make a watery juice of a small Bitter Guord (remove seeds) and drink every morning. Bitter Guord also helps to clear pimples and maintain a good skin, and is good for de-worming the intestines.

Fenugreek seed - Soak fenugreek seeds in about one teaspoon in water at night, drink that water in the morning and chew and eat the soaked seeds. Helps reduce blood sugar.

Green plaintain peels - Wash a green plantain and peel it, then put the peel in a jar and cover with water. Let sit overnight, and then drink this water three times a day. Lowers your blood sugar level. Keep drinking as needed and change the peel every other day and refill the jar with water.

Mullaca - Mullaca is employed in herbal medicine systems today in both Peru and Brazil. In Peruvian herbal medicine the plant is called mullaca or bolsa mullaca. To treat diabetes, the roots of three mullaca plants are sliced and macerated in 1/4 liter of rum for seven days. Honey is added, and 1/2 glass of this medicine is taken twice daily for 60 days. In addition, an infusion of the leaves is recommended as a good diuretic, and an infusion of the roots is used to treat hepatitis. For asthma and malaria, the dosage is 1 cup of tea made from the aerial parts of the plant. In Brazilian herbal medicine the plant is employed for chronic rheumatism, for skin diseases and dermatitis, as a sedative and diuretic, for fever and vomiting, and for many types of kidney, liver, and gallbladder problems.

Agaricus Blazei Murrill (ABM) Mushroom – referred to in it’s native Brazil as “The Mushroom of the Gods” with good reason due to it’s amazing immune boosting and disease fighting properties. Available in health food stores.

Alpha Lipoic Acid - In Germany, alpha-lipoic acid is an approved medical treatment for peripheral neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes. It speeds the removal of glucose from the bloodstream, at least partly by enhancing insulin function, and it reduces insulin resistance, an underpinning of many cases of coronary heart disease and obesity. The therapeutic dose for lipoic acid is 600 mg/day. In the United States, it is sold as a dietary supplement, usually as 50 mg tablets. (The richest food source of alpha-lipoic acid is red meat – but to insure proper health, use lean cuts of organic beef that has not been subject to antibiotics or feed lot practices)

Cat’s Claw – Used by indigenous tribes in Peru and South America to treat diabetes. Available at health food stores.

"Oleander Soup" - A carefully prepared aqueous extract of the oleander plant made according to the directions in the book "Cancer's Natural Enemy"(http://www.rose-laurel.com). Diabetics who have used this remedy report being able to either reduce or eliminate medications altogether, often being able to control their diabetes with diet alone. Note: Oleander is extremely poisonous in raw form, but safe when boiled and strained according to the directions in the book.

Other Good Foods and Supplements - Almonds, apples, oranges, and substances high in omega three oils (olive oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil, borage oil).

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

Required disclaimer: The author is not a qualified medical professional and the information in this arrticle has not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing in this article is intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Anyone who has a medical condition should first see a qualified doctor, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine.

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

Tony Isaacs

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_Isaacs

How To Control Your Diabetes When On A Holiday?

Are you in a holiday mood but worried about your diabetic condition? Stop that worry now. Shed them all and get into the total groove of the holiday season. Because your blood sugar level can be perfectly controlled with a proper diet even on a holiday. Just a little care and precaution and the holiday that you are planning will become a moment of lifetime.

Holiday is a season when your treats are laden with rich diets of carbohydrates and fats. And I can understand that such foods are not easy to resist. But a self control and love for your health can do wonders even when you are suffering from diabetes.

There are some simple tips that you can follow to control your diabetes while still enjoying your holidays:

You need to face this fact that you are diabetic and need to keep a regular tab on your blood sugar levels. Holidays do not mean that you will be taking break from your health. Keep your regular fitness and dietary regime alive. But if you are not able to resist yourself from eating those tempting food stuffs, then the only advice for you is to eat less. And if this is not working with you, then try to burn out those extra calories by increasing your physical activity.

Next, do not just eat continuously. Keep a check on the amount of food you are consuming and maintain proper interval between your consecutive meals. Remember this golden mantra: If you eat less at a single point of time, you will be in a state to eat more variety of food.

Do not forget to perform tests for your blood sugar levels even when out for a holiday. It is the only method by which you can keep a proper check on the amount of glucose in your blood. The best advice is that you should test it more often.

Start your meals with healthy food products like fresh salads, vegetables and fruits. And only after that start munching on the fried, over processed desserts.

As I have already mentioned holidays do not mean that you will be deviating from your regular exercising regime. If you are eating exorbitantly, you need to work out more.

Follow these simple tips with a smart planning and diet and enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joann_Grant

Type 1 Diabetes - the Signs and Symptoms

When my daughter, Alissa, was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 11, there was no-one more surprised than us.

Yet, when we looked back, there were some key signs and symptoms that we had simply missed. Whilst everyone is different, here’s our own story, in the hope that it might help other parents.

Weight loss

We barely noticed it at the time, but, looking back Alissa probably lost about half a stone. We just thought she looked thin and tanned in our holiday photos, but that was because she was unable to gain energy from her food and instead was burning up all her stored fat.

Headaches or migraines

A few months before diagnosies Alissa was diagnosed with migraines.

We now wonder whether this was her body slowing down it’s production of insulin, and whether these headaches were caused by ketones.


This is probably one of the most common symptoms in individuals diagnosed with diabetes. Whilst your body is trying to create a balance, the increasing levels of ketones will make you continually thirsty.

Frequent urination

This can be a side-effect of drinking so much – as the body is trying to heal itself, but is simply unable to do so.

We overlooked this as it wasn’t the first time that Alissa had needed us to stop on journeys, we just hadn’t had to stop so often when making long car journeys! We’d even considered the fact that she regularly got cystitis on longer journeys when sat down – but hadn’t carried out the simple tests available to see whether this was indeed the cause.


I’d say tiredness, but Alissa started to look drawn and worn out. She suffered a lack of energy that became really apparent when we went on a walking holiday in Switzerland.

This is because her body was unable to turn the food that she was eating into energy properly.

Smell of Pear Drops

When the body is releasing ketones as a result of too much glucose in the bloodstream, a very unusual symptom is that the breath that smells like pear-drops. This is often a way that medical staff can tell straight away whether someone may be diabetic, although their family may have simply got used to the smell over a period of time.

When to take Medical Advice

These are just some of the symptoms which may be an indicator of type 1 diabetes. If you or your child experience these, it's important to seek medical advice.

Your health care professional will be able to administer a very accurate, quick blood or urine test to tell whether or not it is likely to be diabetes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jen_C

Diabetic Foot Care:Ten Tips

It is estimated that over 18 million Americans have diabetes. About 10 million diabetics are between the age of 20 to 60. Most individuals in this age group have type 2 diabetes. With type 2 diabetes the body produces insulin, but it does not produce enough of this hormone or the cells don't respond appropriately to it. The result is an elevated blood sugar and sometimes an elevated insulin level as well. The blood sugar is high because the sugar is not being taken into the cells and utilized for energy properly. Most of the diabetics over the age of sixty have type 2 diabetes.

Serious complications associated with diabetes include stroke, heart disease, blindness, kidney disease, high blood pressure, nervous system diseases and amputations. In 2002 there were 82,000 lower extremity amputations in diabetics. Six individuals out of every 1,000 people with diabetes will have a lower extremity amputation. A slow healing or non-healing open sore (known as an ulceration) on the foot is the most common reason diabetics will end up with a foot or leg amputation. Over 2 million diabetics have ulcerations and one in four diabetics with an ulcer will have an amputation. Unfortunately, over 25% of diabetics have not heard of an ulcer.

Treating diabetic ulcers is difficult. Preventing diabetic foot complications is not. Preventing diabetic ulcerations is the key in decreasing the risk of amputation. It is important to see a podiatrist for diabetic checkups every two months to help keep ingrown nails, corns and calluses from becoming a problem.

Take these steps to help prevent diabetic foot complications:

1. Check your feet everyday! This is an absolute necessity. If you can’t reach your feet, have a friend or family member check your feet. If needed, put a mirror on the floor and put your foot over it to look for cuts, scraps, bruises, openings or areas of irritation. Make sure you check between your toes. Look for moist areas, white areas or red areas. Look for anything unusual. If you see something unusual, make an appointment with your podiatrist.

2. Don’t walk around barefoot. Needles, tacks, broken glass, splinters of wood can be hidden in the carpet, even if you vacuum regularly. You can puncture a foot without sensation. Punctures can go unnoticed and develop into ulceration or infections.

3. Watch out for folds in your socks. Rough seams in the socks can cause areas of irritation that may lead to skin breakdown and ulceration. This can also result from small folds in the socks.

4. Don’t be a victim of fashion. High fashion shoes usually lead to a high number of problems in the feet. Make sure the shoes are wide enough. Don’t buy shoes that are too wide or too long which can cause a lot of slipping. Pick shoes that are soft and flexible and allow for cushioning on the top and sides, but are rigid on the sole. Make sure they don’t fold in half. You may be eligible for your insurance to pay for diabetic extra-depth shoes with custom insoles. These shoes will take the pressure off your feet. Ask your doctor.

5. Check your bath water with your hand before you put your foot in it. The temperature your foot feels is much different from the temperature your hand feels when you have neuropathy. Make sure to check the temperature with your wrist. This will be much more accurate than testing the water with your foot.

6. Avoid medicated corn pads. Medicated corn pads contain acid and can be dangerous to diabetics. Yes, it will remove the corn, but there is a good chance it will also remove all the surrounding skin. What you will be left with is an ulceration. Check foot products you buy to make sure they are safe for diabetics.

7. Dry between your toes. Increased moisture between your toes can lead to the skin breaking down. This will eventually lead to an ulcer between the toes. Ulcers between the toes go unnoticed for longer periods of time and they can be difficult to treat.

8. Don’t use a heating pad on your feet. Although many diabetics complain about cold toes, a heating pad is not a good way to warm them up, if you have neuropathy. The heating pad could be placed too high and cause a burn, without you knowing it.

9. Know your risk. Some diabetics do not have any loss of sensation or circulation in their feet. They are not at risk of developing a ulceration and have a low risk of an infection becoming a problem. Others, have severe neuropathy or circulation problems and don’t know it. It’s important to know where you stand. You want a podiatrist to evaluate you and tell you what your risk is, and the steps you need to take to prevent these things from happening.

10. Do not trim your own toenails, calluses or corns. If you have a loss of sensation or blood supply then have your podiatrist trim your corns, calluses or toenails.

Christine Dobrowolski is a podiatrist and the author of Those Aching Feet: Your Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Foot Problems. To learn more about Dr. Dobrowolski and her book, visit http://www.skipublishing.com/.

Natural And Herbal Cure Of Diabetes

With the failure of the over the counter medications, the herbs have re-emerged as the dominant powers in the treatment of diabetes. According to Chinese Medicine, diabetes is not considered as a disease as such. It is a condition of disharmony. The major symptoms are severe thirst and hunger. At the same time, in spite of the excessive hunger, you lose weight. There are many Chinese herbs that were used traditionally for the treatment of diabetes. These herbs are now the subject matter of extensive research. The results of the research are encouraging.

One such Chinese herb that has shown its mettle in the treatment of diabetes is mai men dong. The sole problem in the treatment of diabetes, is to maintain the level of insulin. Research done on this herb indicates its right potential. Through this herb, the Chinese researchers have shown the capability to stimulate regeneration of cells. The cells in question are in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. These are the cells that owe responsibility for appropriate production of insulin. If this process is taken care of, perhaps you are taking care of the diabetes.

Another Chinese herb that has the capability to reduce the blood sugar level is tian hua fen. It is now extensively used in herbal formulations to treat diabetes.

A vegetable extensively grown in India, bitter melon, is known to lower the blood sugar levels. It is dried and then used in the powder form as well. This vegetable has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

There is another important treatment for diabetes, on which not much research seems to have been done, but traditionally, it is very popular. Take fresh curry leaves (4 to 5 leaves), in the morning on the empty stomach, after properly masticating it. Continue with this schedule for about 6 months. Even the chronic diabetes will be cured once for all.

When you are told about the qualities of herbs that have the potentiality to give you relief in your diabetic condition, do not be under the impression that herbs alone will do the job. You need to review your food habits extensively and decide what went wrong with you, which made the entry of diabetes in your body easy and possible. It is no use if you take the herbal medicines on the one side and continue with your junk food and ice creams on the other side. You need to change your lifestyle according to the needs of your body.

The supreme advantage of herbal medicines in the treatment of diabetes is that they have no side effects. If at all they are there, they are not harmful, but beneficial!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Javier_Fuller

Diabetes - Natural Treatment

Jose M. Flores, a Medicare beneficiary who lives outside McAllen, used the new drug benefit four times from January to April to purchase Byetta, an injectable medicine for diabetes. Each time he paid $40.

So when he went to the pharmacy on May 25, he was dismayed to be told that he owed $167.56 for the next month's supply. Mr. Flores had reached the notorious gap in Medicare's drug coverage. He had to pay the full price of Byetta. His Medicare drug plan paid nothing.

"It's almost useless," said Mr. Flores, a 66-year-old school bus mechanic who was interviewed at his home in La Joya, Tex. "I'm paying the premium, but not getting protection."

Millions of beneficiaries will have similar experiences, as the cost of their drugs reaches the initial coverage limit of $2,250. Like Mr. Flores, they will have to pay the full cost of each medicine until their out-of-pocket costs reach $3,600. At that point, Medicare coverage resumes, paying 95 percent of the cost of each prescription.

On May 2, Mr. Flores paid $20 for Plavix, a blood thinner used to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, and Medicare paid $109.62. But when he refilled the prescription at the end of May, he was in the coverage gap, so he had to pay the full amount, $129.62.

Mr. Flores is angry with Medicare, with his drug plan and even with the pharmacists who try to help him. He says no one told him about the coverage gap when he signed up.

Vanessa M. Recio, a pharmacist at Saenz Medical Pharmacy in Mission, Tex., said: "All I do all day is talk to angry patients. I process insurance claims and try to solve problems with Medicare."”

[...] http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/11/us/11medicare.htm

Mr. Flores experience is played out hundreds of times every day. Fortunately, there is help for diabetics and other life treatening illnesses.

A combination of herbs researched at a Canadian University for over 20 years was hailed by the Asian Diabetic Association as "The Final Cure for Diabetes." Research shows that a natural diabetes remedy can regulate blood sugar and eliminate the need for painful injections. The herbs Banaba, Guggle, Bitter Melon, Licorice extract, Cinnamon herb powder, Gymnema Sylvestre, Yarrow, Cayenne, Juniper Berries, Huckleberry, and Vanadyl Sulfate each have an important role to play in a scientifically engineered formulation that is proven to successfully go to the cellular level to lower your blood sugar level, lower your insulin resistance, and increase insulin production. This scientifically proven formulation is available under the brand name Diamaxol.

The diagnosing, treatment, and testing of Diabetes brings in over $10 Million Dollars every hour of the day to Doctors, Pharmaceutical companies, and testing supply businesses. With that much money on the line the medical, pharmaceutical and testing supply companies will go to extreme lengths to silence information about natural treatment of diabetes. It was widely reported that one company, which had successful results with an herbal treatment, was offered $30,000,000 to take the product off the market. Fortunately the recent education thrust on the benefits of natural health treatment has made it possible for companies with natural products to resist such pressure.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Author, International Speaker and Inspirational leader empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening. http://www.drdorothy.net

Aloe Vera healing power

Aloe vera (barbadensis miller) is one species of the genus Aloe. The genus Aloe contains about four hundred species of flowering, succulent plants. Despite looking like a cactus, the Aloe vera is in fact a member of the Lily family (Liliaceae), which includes garlic. The name Aloe was derived from the Arabic alloeh meaning "bitter" because of the bitter gel in the leaves.

Aloe vera is native to Africa and has been used by used by many different cultures including Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians and Spaniards for millennia. In 1500 B.C. Egyptians recorded use of the plant for treating burns, infections and parasites. The earliest record of Aloe vera is on a Sumerian tablet dating from 2100 BC.

Aloe vera extract, juice and gel.
Aloe vera extract is made by pulverizing the whole leaves of the plant, the juice is made from the inner leaf. Gel is the leaf pulp, a clear jelly-like material from the tissue that makes up the inner portion of the leaves.

Aloe vera is one of the most vitamin and mineral packed nutrition drinks around. Aloe vera contains about 96% water, 18 amino acids, vitamins including vitamin B-1, vitamin B-2, vitamin C, niacinamide, vitamin B-6, choline, essential oil, calcium, chlorine, sodium, potassium, manganese, monosaccharides and polysaccharides including uronic acid, mannose and glucose. Aloe vera also contains aloin (barbaloin), ethereal oil, isobarbaloin, emoding lucosides of d-Arabinose, emodin, resitannol, ester of cinnamic acid and cinnamic acid.

Acemannan has antiviral and antitumoral activities through activation of immune responses.

Aloin (barbaloin) is an unwanted, harsh, irritant, bitter tasting, laxative contained in the yellow sap of Aloe, which is removed during processing. Aloin has strong laxative properties.

Cinnamic acid has the formula C6H5CHCHCOOH and is an odorless white crystalline acid. It has a floral aroma, is found in the essential oil of cinnamon and in shea butter. Cinnamic acid is used in flavours, synthetic indigo, pharmaceuticals, and to manufacture esters for the perfume industry.

Emodin is an orange crystalline compound, C14H4O2(OH)3CH3, obtained from rhubarb and other plants and used as a laxative. Emodin belongs to a family of compounds called anthraquinones, which have shown anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects.

Mannose is a monosaccharide, C6H12O6. The word mannose is from Manna, the food the Israelites ate in the desert in the book of Exodus. D-mannose, this form is used as a remedy for urinary tract infections.

Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates, glucose C6(H2O)6 is a monosaccharide.

The Health Benefits.
Aloe vera is a rather amazing plant. My great aunt did not know about acemannan but she did know about Aloe's ability to heal. She always said, "If it burns, stings, itches, hurts, or you want it to look like a baby's skin put the magic jelly on it". She called it, "the magic jelly" because fresh Aloe vera gel heals burns like magic.

The gel has been used topically for thousands of years throughout the world to treat wounds, skin infections, burns, and numerous other dermatologic conditions. There are very few places where it has not been used.

The Benefits to Skin.
Aloe vera is well known as the supreme skin care regimen. It can aid in keeping the skin supple, and is used in the control of acne and eczema. It has a moisturizing effect and is a common remedy for sunburn and skin irritation due to insect bites and allergies. Aloe's healing power comes from increasing the availability of oxygen and strengthen the skin. My advice is to pamper your skin with a little fresh gel everyday. Keep a few plants healthy and you will always have a steady supply. Cut a leaf in half and smooth it on your skin.

Intestinal Health.
Many traditional liquid health treatments are made from a base of Aloe vera juice with other herbs included. Drinking the juice and gel is widely endorsed by herbalist for soothing digestive tract irritations and general gastrointestinal health. It is also used to alkalize the digestive juices to prevent over acidity. It is said to cleanse the digestive tract and exerte a soothing, balancing effect.

The dried latex from the inner lining of the leaf can be taken orally as a laxative. Careful with this one, I tried it, it works. Drink lots of water and do not go far from the house.

Gastrointestinal issues can be serious, not something you want to mess around with. Check with your doctor before you do anything. It is important to get a diagnoses.

Suggestions for Use.
When you are stressed and need a herb bath put a leaf in the freezer for 30 minutes to get it cold. When taking a hot herb steam bath cut it in half and rub it on your face to cool you down. It soothes the skin on contact. Add the juice or jell to orange or grape juice, an organic banana and a little ice and blend in a blender. This is a good drink to cool you down and sooth the plumming. If your stress is casing you digestive trouble add a spoon of Slippery Elm to the blend. If you have intestinal pain or menstrual troubles make a Yarrow tea and add this to the mixture.

To make a salve, remove the thin outer skin and blind the leaves in a blender, add 500 units of vitamin C powder to each cup add a tablespoon of honey to help preserve. It is best to use fresh but you can store it in your refrigerator for a couple weeks. This salve is great for skin. For stess, after the salve has been in the refrigerator and having cooled use it on your face during a hot bath or if you do not feel like a hot bath but want to cool down rub it on your feet. Even better get someone you love to rub it on your feet.

Growing Aloe Vera
Light - Most Aloe species make excellent house plants when they are given enough light. If they are grown outdoors in warm climates, they should be planted in full sun, or light shade. Potted Aloes benefit from spending the summer outdoors. Because Aloe plants consist of mostly water, they are extremely sensitive to frost.

Soil - The soil should be sandy, moderately fertile, and drain well. Aloes have roots that are shallow and spread so when it is time to repot them pick a wide pot, they are better than deep ones. Fertilize yearly, in the spring with a half strength, bloom type fertilizer (10-40-10). Do not over fertilize. New plants may also be grown from seed or propagated from the offsets around the base of mature plants.

Water - Established plants will survive a drought quite well. During the winter months, the plant will become somewhat dormant, and utilize very little moisture. During this period watering should be minimal. During the summer months, the soil should be completely soaked, but then be allowed to dry again before giving the plant a cup or two of water.

Nothing in this essay is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Aloe vera has not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration for the treatment of any disease.

Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/

Cure Arthritis with Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies have been the treatment of choice for arthritis for centuries. Below are listed some of the most effective herbs and supplements for arthritis.


Alfalfa can be sprouted and eaten with a salad, or used either powdered or drunk as a tea. It's easily prepared by placing one ounce of alfalfa in a pot, adding one quart of water and boiling for thirty minutes and should be strained and drunk over a day. The treatment needs to be continued for at least three weeks and then a break for seven to ten days is taken before resuming treatment again for best results.

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is an American Indian treatment for arthritis. There are five species being used globally. The constituents are anti-inflammatory, antispasmodics and aspirin like substances which makes it an excellent herbal remedy for arthritis.

This can be prepared by simmering one teaspoon of black cohosh root in one cup of boiling water for duration of twenty minutes. The tea is then strained and taken in two divided doses during the day. The regime is continued for duration of three weeks before taking a break of ten days in between.


Boswellia has been known for centuries as a natural anti-inflammatory. It has been proven that boswellic acids contained within the herb can block the formation of leukotrienes, the immune cells responsible for inflammation, while also promoting the formation of free radicals. With regular use, blood supply to the joints is also maintained, keeping soft tissue nourished and viable.


Celery as a natural remedy for arthritis has proved very effective The different parts of the celery plant contain well over twenty-five anti-inflammatory constituents. A cup of celery contains well over three hundred and forty milligrams of potassium, which makes it particularly effective considering that Potassium deficiency leads to aggravation of symptoms of arthritis.

The preparation is easy with one teaspoon of celery seeds being placed in a cup and filled with boiling water. Allow to stand for fifteen minutes. Then strain and drink three times a day during an acute arthritic attack for best results. Alternatively it can be eaten fresh.

Devils Claw (Harpagophytum Procumbens) is found only in Africa, Devil's Claw has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is used globally for osteo-arthritis, fibrositis, rheumatism, small joint disease and lower backache. Because of its strong anti-inflammatory properties, Devil's Claw is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers or heart conditions, unless medically supervised.

Dong Quai (Dang Gui)

Also called Angelica, this herb has been used in Europe for centuries as a herbal remedy for arthritis. The western variety is known to have twelve anti inflammatory constituents (which decrease the symptoms of pain and swelling of the joints), ten antispasmodics (muscle relaxants) and five anodyne constituents (pain relievers)

This is best taken by placing one tablespoon of the roots of any of the species in a pot and adding of one pint of water which is then brought to the boil and then covered and boiled for two minutes. The pot is removed from the flame and left to stand till it reaches room temperature and then strained and drunk.

Do this two or three times a day for a duration of three weeks. This is followed by a break of ten days before the treatment can be resumed again.

As with all herbal remedies for arthritis, not all these remedies will be instant. They may take a few weeks to build up in the body. But persistence will bring relief.

Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/